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Java And C++ Complete Course for Beginners 2022 [NewCoupon]11/24/23


Forum Veteran
Apr 6, 2017
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Learn Java Programming and C++ Programming Language in Java and C++ Complete Course for Beginners 2022
Original PriceCA$27.99
Discount100% off
4 days left at this price!


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312 redemptions remaining out of 1000

What you'll learn

  • You will learn how to write a complete Java program that takes user input, processes and outputs the results
  • You will learn OOPS concepts in Java
  • You will learn java concepts such as console output, Java Variables and Data Types, Java Operators And more
  • You will be able to use Java for Selenium in testing and development
  • You will learn C++ concepts such as console output, C++ Variables and Data Types, C++ Operators And more
  • You will learn how to write a complete C++ program that takes user input, processes and outputs the results
  • You will learn common programming constructs as they are implemented in C++ including C++ 11. Topics include the use of C++ for memory management, file input/o
This course seems to be a Java and C++ programming course aimed at beginners. It covers various topics related to both languages, including Java concepts such as console output, Java variables and data types, Java operators, and more. It also covers C++ concepts such as console output, C++ variables and data types, C++ operators, and more.

The course promises to teach you how to write complete Java and C++ programs that take user input, process the data, and output the results. It also mentions that you will learn object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in Java, which is an important aspect of the language.

Additionally, the course claims that you will be able to use Java for testing and development with Selenium, which is a popular automation testing tool.

The course is currently being offered for free, with an original price of CA$27.99. There is a discount of 100% off, and there are 4 days left at this discounted price. The course can be accessed on Udemy using the provided link.

It is also mentioned that there are 312 redemptions remaining out of 1000. This indicates that there are limited slots available for this coupon, so interested individuals should enroll soon if they want to take advantage of the offer.