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Build a Custom E-Commerce Site in React + JavaScript Basics (NewCoupon)


Forum Veteran
Apr 6, 2017
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Build a Fully Customized E-Commerce Site with Product Categories, Shopping Cart, and Checkout Page in React.


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What you'll learn

  • Introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • The Foundations of JavaScript
  • JavaScript Arithmetic Operations
  • Working with Arrays, Functions, and Loops in JavaScript
  • JavaScript Variables, Events, and Objects
  • JavaScript Hands-On - Build a Photo Gallery and Background Color Changer
  • Foundations of React
  • How to Scaffold an Existing React Project
  • Introduction to JSON Server
  • Styling an E-Commerce Store in React and Building out the Shop Categories
  • Introduction to Fetch API and React Router
  • The concept of "Context" in React
  • Building a Search Feature in React
  • Validating Forms in React
This course seems to be a comprehensive guide on building a fully customized e-commerce site using React. It covers a wide range of topics and concepts that are essential for developing an e-commerce platform.

The course starts with an introduction to the Document Object Model (DOM) and the foundations of JavaScript. This is important as React heavily relies on JavaScript for manipulating the DOM and managing the application state.

Next, the course covers JavaScript arithmetic operations, working with arrays, functions, and loops in JavaScript, as well as JavaScript variables, events, and objects. These topics provide a solid understanding of JavaScript fundamentals that are necessary for building React components.

The course then dives into specific hands-on projects using JavaScript, such as building a photo gallery and a background color changer. These projects help reinforce the concepts learned and provide practical experience with JavaScript.

After covering the foundations of JavaScript, the course moves on to React. It introduces the basics of React, including how to scaffold an existing React project and work with JSON Server, which is a tool for mocking a backend API.

The course also covers styling an e-commerce store in React, building out shop categories, and introducing the Fetch API and React Router. These topics are crucial for creating a dynamic and interactive e-commerce site.

Additionally, the course explains the concept of "Context" in React, which is a powerful feature for managing state across components. It also covers building a search feature and validating forms in React, which are essential functionalities for an e-commerce site.

Overall, this course seems to provide a solid foundation for building a custom e-commerce site using React. It covers a wide range of topics, from JavaScript basics to advanced React concepts, making it suitable for both beginners and intermediate developers.