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Where Does Morality Come From?

Kaplok Kaplok

Forum Guru
Oct 19, 2020
For theist

For theists, it's very simple. God. He both set the rules laws and gave us concience to navigate the world in peace. But gave us free-will to choose if we want to keep in accordance with what He set, as a test of faith.

Some fundamentalist believer cosiders the belief in God as a prerequisite to even undertand morality at all.

To be totally honest, it is a flawed and lazy explanation, designed to discourage inquisitiveness of children from arguing the "wrongness" of some of the interpreted prescription of the religion; while also using the same explanation for adults. "because God said so..","because you cant understand yet, only God knows.." and many more explanation that leaves a void in heart of the reciever, regardless of obedience to it, until the inquisitiveness is fully hampered.

For Atheist

For some athiests, moral values are innate. They are imbedded in the DNA, or maybe in the mind, the human psyche. People will automatically know differentiate what is right from what is wrong. The idea is, once the person is born, they will automatically know it. Approximately, what we regard now as right and wrong - it will emerge naturally.

This claim is really irrational. If you consider the case of feral children: children who a raised in the wild with no human contact, you can say it is not true.
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This rare occurances can be considered a proof that without other human, a person will not learn any social concept, including any concept of morality.

So, Where Does Morality come from?

As explained about feral children, morality does not just appear out of thin air. It is learned from whichever social group an individual is born from. It is absurd to think that morality is innate, since it is more accurate to describe it as "a priori"- latin for "from the one before".

What separates human from animals is the ability to communicate experiences of the past through stories so that the learners dont have to repeat the same mistakes. This capability is enhanced when humans learned to write, because they can communicate experiences to people of the future.

Since humans are actually social beings, we can imagine a whole society as one organism. This society adapts different morals over time. And depending on what set of morals it has, they will either rise or fall. If viewed in a wider angle, societies really survive in accordance with natural selection. Societies with morals that don't work are subdued by the societies that has moralities that do, or maybe just collapse on its own weight.

If we put it that way, it makes sense to say that the "a priori" knowledge that humans have as successful societies may actually be what is being referred as "God". The ideal balance of morals that will create a strong society, in the past, the present and into the future. The representation of the "perfect morality". The "alpha and omega", the "beginning and the end" not in a creation context, but in context of society building. Note that I used the word "balance" because as important as it is to adapt to current conditions, there is still a huge importance to stick to what works in the past.

Conservative Evolution

When we say that religions "evolve" over time, atheist typically would find that hard to believe. Because it is true, religions resists change. But even individual organisms' evolutions resists change too. Considering the amount of evolution a human has already went through, from the time it splits from other primates, we still have feautures that do not make sense. We have toes that are not useful, we have an appendix, tonsils, male nipples, etc, which are all human feautures we can do without, since they have no apparent purpose.

Religions are very similar. It has feautures that do not make sense in the present conditions because it does not evolve right away. They "conserve" things that worked in the past, and has a hard time letting go of it even if it is not useful anymore, hence the term "conservative". There is an amount of caution in it. "Maybe we just don't understand its' purpose."

Change is natural, but also naturally slow. Our lifetimes are just too short to even conceptualize that. Even the most atheist adopt most of their moralities from a preexisting religion, but only claims to not be a part of it just because of the miniscule details they disagree with. And this miniscule details are also what seperates religions from one another. In totality, they are really very similar.. and what we are really all debating about is:

"what little thing do we have to change in our morality in this tiny moment we have, to be the society that moves forward into the future? Do we have to change anything at all?"

And it will be unwise to answer that question without looking at the past, as it is unwise to stagnate our morality into obsolescence.

thank you for reading.
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“For athiests, moral values are innate. They are imbedded in the DNA, or maybe in the mind, the human psyche. People will automatically know differentiate what is right from what is wrong. The idea is, once the person is born, they will automatically know it. Approximately, what we regard now as right and wrong - it will emerge naturally.”

Can u elaborate where u got this?
“For athiests, moral values are innate. They are imbedded in the DNA, or maybe in the mind, the human psyche. People will automatically know differentiate what is right from what is wrong. The idea is, once the person is born, they will automatically know it. Approximately, what we regard now as right and wrong - it will emerge naturally.”

Can u elaborate where u got this?
It is really derived from the bad argument from some atheist, which i encountered some other thread. But I have to admit it is a strawman argument against atheism. Since atheist base nmn din ung following explanation ko I used it as a contrasting idea.
It is really derived from the bad argument from some atheist, which i encountered some other thread. But I have to admit it is a strawman argument against atheism. Since atheist base nmn din ung following explanation ko I used it as a contrasting idea.
Can you point me to sa thread na un?? Im not aware kasi of that info.. kasi first time ko narinig na its a claim among atheist na morality is innate
morality is innate
oo nga noh we are born with knowledge of right or wrong hehe, right or wrong ika nga, meron nga bang right or wrong? sa actual kasi meron lang acts na prohibited, but are they automatically the wrong ones? the law should say rape is punishable because it is wrong hehe
Can you point me to sa thread na un?? Im not aware kasi of that info.. kasi first time ko narinig na its a claim among atheist na morality is innate
Eto ung portion.
norms of life come naturally kahit mga hayop may sinasabi tayong term na rules of the jungle; "The strong prey on the weak" ika nga pero di nila alam yang "rules of the jungle" kasi tayo mga tao ang gumawa sa terminology na yan, paano ? kasi yan ang na observe natin sa kanila as an animal. Science is an observatiohn thru experimentation ... so thru observing you can know the "norms of life", atheist is a non-believer so that includes the doctrine 10 commandments so why a lot of atheists is not a killer? because it naturally lived within them that it is wrong to kill. even though they do not follow the 10 commandments, but they follow the norms of life that has lived within us. it's like a sixth sense on the matter or the feeling of being in-love.

Eto ung portion.
Anyway, i see how the statement is objectionable kaya I added the word "some".
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Morality comes from God.

No mortal can argue otherwise.

This statement is like an atomic bomb compressed into one sentence.

See, if you approach the subtle things, there is a very high chance that it will break your mind. You will not recover. You're finished.

Only a handful of geniuses can reach and hold their mind in the abstract realm, how much more if they go subtler?

There is a reason why there is a veil.

People talk too much not realizing the blessings of ignorance.

Ignorance is a bliss.

When all senses breaksloose, I doubt anybody can stand the constant and simultaneous bombardment of stimuli. Totally out of this world you will loose your mind faster than the speed of light.
No mortal can argue otherwise.
I disagree. Christians worship a mortal for a reason, and that a message to us that we should stop using moral compasses arbitrarily set by the supernatural God. But catholicism just transcended him into a God to make moral judgement seem untouchable by common people again.

Ignorance is a bliss.
It is true. There is truly some comfort in avoiding to know, which is a blessing. But comfort is a path to obsolesence.
Why invent flying when walking is fine? Why take the risk of crashing upon the earth which might kill you?

Yes, there is always a risk in progress. But the risks we conquer are what gives life a meaning.

When all senses breaksloose, I doubt anybody can stand the constant and simultaneous bombardment of stimuli. Totally out of this world you will loose your mind faster than the speed of light.
This is why i psychedelics is not my jam. At least to me, this is what I would consider "breaking my mind". I see the appeal of this experiences though.
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Jesus is an avatar. Jesus "Christify" himself that's why he is called Christ. That is the goal of religion for the common man, there should be a method.

Much like the Maitreya Buddha. Maitreya is a name of a teacher. When the innermost Budhha, the real Being, the innermost for each on of us attained self-realization, it is declared a Buddha.

Inventions and discoveries are inspired. The human brain is a receiver. That's why you often heard them saying that they came from dreams, out of nowhere, in an instant. We can only open ourselves and "receive the grace".

Experience of the subtle has nothing to do with psychedelics. It is unnecessary.

It is a lifetime discipline.

We can only purify ourselves like a stone, polish ourselves until we can reflect light.
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oo nga noh we are born with knowledge of right or wrong hehe, right or wrong ika nga, meron nga bang right or wrong? sa actual kasi meron lang acts na prohibited, but are they automatically the wrong ones? the law should say rape is punishable because it is wrong hehe
You completely missed the point of my comment kay TS… 🤦‍♂️

Eto ung portion.

Anyway, i see how the statement is objectionable kaya I added the word "some".
Ah i see.. agree nman ako sa most ng sinabi nea jan except dun sa “naturally lived within them”… i dont think its innate… sa learning it thru observation dun agree ako
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Morality comes from God.

No mortal can argue otherwise.

This statement is like an atomic bomb compressed into one sentence.

See, if you approach the subtle things, there is a very high chance that it will break your mind. You will not recover. You're finished.

Only a handful of geniuses can reach and hold their mind in the abstract realm, how much more if they go subtler?

There is a reason why there is a veil.

People talk too much not realizing the blessings of ignorance.

Ignorance is a bliss.

When all senses breaksloose, I doubt anybody can stand the constant and simultaneous bombardment of stimuli. Totally out of this world you will loose your mind faster than the speed of light.
How do you know its from god?? And which god are you referring to na source ng morality??
Jesus is an avatar. Jesus "Christify" himself that's why he is called Christ. That is the goal of religion for the common man, there should be a method.

Much like the Maitreya Buddha. Maitreya is a name of a teacher. When the innermost Budhha, the real Being, the innermost for each on of us attained self-realization, it is declared a Buddha.

Inventions and discoveries are inspired. The human brain is a receiver. That's why you often heard them saying that they came from dreams, out of nowhere, in an instant. We can only open ourselves and "receive the grace".

Experience of the subtle has nothing to do with psychedelics. It is unnecessary.

It is a lifetime discipline.

We can only purify ourselves like a stone, polish ourselves until we can reflect light.
I have to agree with the truth embedded in the mysticism in what you are saying. But i do not think the mysticism is necessary.

Ah i see.. agree nman ako sa most ng sinabi nea jan except dun sa “naturally lived within them”… i dont think its innate… sa learning it thru observation dun agree ako
Yup, then he finished it with "sixth sense" or feeling of love... which to me it means it came from within. Kaya dinerive ko ung idea na yan for contrast.
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How do you know its from god?? And which god are you referring to na source ng morality??
By wonder I know. In an ocean of consciousness where everything is one and exists simultaneously you will just know. You cannot not know. You just know it like you remembered it yesterday.

An allegory that represents the experience of the divine could be a story about a person who searches for the perfect treasure. They spend their whole life searching and eventually they come upon a hidden room filled with riches beyond their wildest dreams.

The treasure is so great that words can't describe it, and the person realizes that this is the divine experience they have been seeking all along.

They can never fully express the joy and awe they feel, but they try to share it with others by inviting them to see the treasure for themselves.

The message of the allegory is that the divine experience is personal and can only be truly understood by experiencing it, just like the treasure can only be fully appreciated by seeing it.

You will intuitively know treasure and can only be accessed by you personally descending in "the forge of vulcan'" in olympus. It's all the same, retold all over again.
By wonder I know. In an ocean of consciousness where everything is one and exists simultaneously you will just know. You cannot not know. You just know it like you remembered it yesterday.

An allegory that represents the experience of the divine could be a story about a person who searches for the perfect treasure. They spend their whole life searching and eventually they come upon a hidden room filled with riches beyond their wildest dreams.

The treasure is so great that words can't describe it, and the person realizes that this is the divine experience they have been seeking all along.

They can never fully express the joy and awe they feel, but they try to share it with others by inviting them to see the treasure for themselves.

The message of the allegory is that the divine experience is personal and can only be truly understood by experiencing it, just like the treasure can only be fully appreciated by seeing it.

You will intuitively know treasure and can only be accessed by you personally descending in "the forge of vulcan'" in olympus. It's all the same, retold all over again.
Ahh i remember you na…

Thats how u would know its a god?? “By wonder”?? Because “you just know”??

Parang wala nman sagot dun eh

And that whole finding the perfect treasure nman… siguro nga may amazement or undescribable feeling upon that discovery…pano papasok all of a sudden ang realization ng something divine sa picture??
Ahh i remember you na…

Thats how u would know its a god?? “By wonder”?? Because “you just know”??

Parang wala nman sagot dun eh

And that whole finding the perfect treasure nman… siguro nga may amazement or undescribable feeling upon that discovery…pano papasok all of a sudden ang realization ng something divine sa picture??

Your entire being will know, as if you have been in a coma for a prolonged period of time, dreaming within your own small world and suddenly woke up.
In an ocean of consciousness where everything is one and exists simultaneously you will just know. You cannot not know. You just know it like you remembered it yesterday.
I understand this feeling.

One thing you should know about people, human brains are not all structured the same. When people are able to form brilliant thoughts(or wild ideas) that contains knowledge from their subconcious, some people are aware that it came from within them, while some people feel like it came from an outside source, usually a divine being. But it could also be percieved as knowledge from ancestor, or their past life depending on the prior belief.

The level of awareness of where it comes from varies widely from person to person. To some, when this awareness is so low, even the concious thought can be percieved as foreign from the self, like observed in schizoprenia or when under the influence of psychedelics. This is the part of the mind esoteric traditions interact with (as well as other religious traditions that kept true to the practice.)

But regardless of what is felt about it, mastering the use of the subconcious mind takes a good amount practice and discipline. It is not done for the experience, but instead for practical application.
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It can be difficult for those with limited experience to understand new information, as they may have preconceived notions and limited perspective.

The only way to gain understanding is through direct experience with the divine. To effectively communicate to the common man, it may be helpful to use analogies or references that are familiar to the listener, that's why spiritual texts are full of allegories otherwise no communication is possible.

To point the direction is the only help available..

..and we can observe that some entities are in human form because they want to communicate..

The common man might go mad if he sees wings with hundred eyes embedded to it talking to him.

In Luke 9:23, Jesus looks at his disciples and tells them, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.

In short, just do it. Talking about it, philosophizing, debating, etc is pointless because we are dealing with a higher realm, as this realm is only a poor copy of the subtleties beyond.


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