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Help What is NON-VBV credit card?

NON-VBV credit card refers to a type of credit card that does not use the Verified by Visa (VBV) security system. Verified by Visa is a security measure used by some banks to verify the identity of the cardholder when making online transactions. This system requires the cardholder to enter a password or a one-time code to complete the transaction.

A NON-VBV credit card, on the other hand, does not require this additional security measure, making it easier to use for online purchases. These types of cards are typically used by people who want to make anonymous purchases online or by those who have difficulty completing transactions with VBV-enabled cards.

It's important to note that while NON-VBV credit cards may be easier to use for online purchases, they are also considered riskier for both the cardholder and the merchant. Without the added security of VBV, fraudulent purchases can be made more easily with these types of cards. As such, it's important to use caution and only use NON-VBV cards from reputable sources.

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