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C & C++ Make a program that automatically converts docx to txt file


Forum Guru
Jan 27, 2018
Paturo po paano mga functions niya, nalilito po kasi ako sa mga switches and if else statements niya
Sure, I can help explain the functions used in the code you provided. Let's break it down step by step:

1. import os: This line imports the os module, which provides a way to interact with the operating system. It is used in this code to check if the input file exists.

2. import docx2txt: This line imports the docx2txt module, which is used to convert a DOCX file to plain text.

3. def convert_docx_to_txt(input_file, output_file): This line defines a function called convert_docx_to_txt that takes two arguments: input_file and output_file. This function is responsible for converting the DOCX file to a text file.

4. if not os.path.exists(input_file): This line checks if the input file does not exist. If it doesn't, it prints an error message and returns from the function.

5. text = docx2txt.process(input_file) This line uses the docx2txt module to convert the DOCX file (input_file) to plain text and stores the result in the text variable.

6. with open(output_file, 'w') as file: This line opens the output file (output_file) in write mode. The with statement ensures that the file is properly closed after writing.

7. file.write(text) This line writes the converted text (text) to the output file.

8. print("Conversion successful!") This line prints a success message to the console.

9. if __name__ == "__main__": This line checks if the script is being run directly and not imported as a module.

10. input_file = input("Enter the path of the input file: ") This line prompts the user to enter the path of the input file.

11. output_file = input("Enter the path of the output file: ") This line prompts the user to enter the path of the output file.

12. convert_docx_to_txt(input_file, output_file) This line calls the convert_docx_to_txt function with the provided input and output file paths.

The code uses an if statement to check if the input file exists before attempting to convert it. If the file does not exist, it prints an error message and exits the function. The with statement is used to ensure that the output file is properly opened and closed. The docx2txt module is responsible for the actual conversion of the DOCX file to plain text. Finally, the script prompts the user to enter the input and output file paths, and then calls the convert_docx_to_txt function with those paths.

I hope this helps clarify the functions and flow of the code! Let me know if you have any further questions.

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