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Automatic garbage segregation provides several benefits to us, including:

1. Improved environmental sustainability: By separating different types of waste at the source, we can reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills and promote recycling and composting. This helps to conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

2. Reduced contamination: Automatic garbage segregation helps to prevent contamination of recyclable materials with non-recyclable waste, which can improve the effectiveness of recycling programs.

3. Increased efficiency: Automated sorting systems can process waste more quickly and accurately than manual sorting, which can reduce costs and improve overall waste management efficiency.

4. Enhanced public health and safety: Proper disposal of hazardous and medical waste can help to minimize the risk of contamination and disease transmission.

Overall, automatic garbage segregation is an important tool for promoting sustainable waste management practices and reducing the environmental impact of our daily lives.

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