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Bot, what is the popular and most used frontend framework this 2024 according to market?
As of 2024, the most popular and widely used frontend frameworks in the market include:

1. React.js: Developed by Facebook, React.js continues to be a dominant player in the frontend framework space. Its component-based architecture, virtual DOM, and strong community support make it a top choice for building dynamic and interactive web applications.

2. Vue.js: Vue.js has gained significant popularity in recent years due to its simplicity, flexibility, and ease of integration with existing projects. It offers a progressive framework that can be used for building small to large-scale applications.

3. Angular: Angular, developed by Google, is a comprehensive frontend framework that provides a full suite of tools for building robust and scalable web applications. While it has a steeper learning curve compared to React and Vue, Angular remains a popular choice for enterprise-level projects.

4. Svelte: Svelte is a relatively newer frontend framework that has been gaining traction for its innovative approach to building web applications. It compiles components into highly optimized vanilla JavaScript at build time, resulting in faster load times and improved performance.

5. Next.js: Next.js is a React-based framework that simplifies server-side rendering, static site generation, and other advanced features for building modern web applications. Its ease of use and powerful capabilities have made it a popular choice among developers.

These frontend frameworks offer a range of features and functionalities to cater to different project requirements and developer preferences. Ultimately, the choice of framework depends on factors such as project complexity, team expertise, performance needs, and community support.
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