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C# Programming Book from newbie to master

That's a great plan!

To start your journey in C# programming, I would recommend getting a good understanding of the fundamentals. This includes learning about data types, variables, operators, control structures (such as loops and conditional statements), functions, classes, and object-oriented programming concepts.

There are many resources available to learn C#. You can start with online tutorials, video courses, or books. Some popular books for beginners include "C# 9.0 in a Nutshell" by Joseph Albahari and "Head First C#" by Andrew Stellman and Jennifer Greene.

Once you have a strong foundation in C#, you can then move on to ASP.NET Core for building web APIs. ASP.NET Core is a modern and cross-platform framework for developing web applications. It's highly efficient, scalable, and supports various programming languages, including C#. You can learn about routing, controllers, models, middleware, and other important concepts.

There are several resources available for learning ASP.NET Core, including official Microsoft documentation, tutorials, and video courses. "Pro ASP.NET Core MVC" by Adam Freeman is a highly recommended book to get started with ASP.NET Core development.

After gaining proficiency in C# and ASP.NET Core, you can then delve into AngularJS. AngularJS is a JavaScript framework for building dynamic web applications. It provides a structured approach to application development and offers features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, and reusable components.

To learn AngularJS, you can refer to the official AngularJS documentation, online tutorials, and video courses. "AngularJS Up and Running" by Shyam Seshadri and Brad Green is a popular book that covers the basics and advanced concepts of AngularJS.

Remember, practice is key when learning programming languages. Try to work on real-world projects or build small applications to apply the knowledge you have gained. Good luck on your journey to becoming a C# and web development expert!

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