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Closed Anong araw ba dapat magsimba, sabbath day o Lord's day (sunday)?

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so ibig sabihin as long as you go to church, it doesn't matter weither sabbath or Lord's day, ganun ba?

Bago ko Sagutin eto ilalapag ko muna yung Verses na claim ng ibang Christian about Sunday.

Acts 20:7
Verse Concepts
On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread, Paul began talking to them, intending to leave the next day, and he prolonged his message until midnight.

1 Corinthians 16:1-2
Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I directed the churches of Galatia, so do you also. On the first day of every week each one of you is to put aside and save, as he may prosper, so that no collections be made when I come.

Ikaw Convict yourself Does this verse Invalidates the SAbbath? yung sa gathering and preaching lagi ginagawa ng disciples yun. Never didnt mention a Church or or any Synagogue.

We need to go to Church especially kung weak in Faith pa tayo so we can learn from other Christian bretheren. and sa Sermons ng Pastor. pero yun nga Pray for wisdom and discernment. because not all people in the church has the Spirit of the Lord because of Satan who attacks The remnants of the Church accroding to the book of Revelation and tries to break it down in within.

When we Worship God. we seek to have a relationship with our God. so we reflect his character. our carnal nature because of our Fall to Satan is to Sin.kung diba favorite basketball player mo si Jordan or Kobe kinokopya mo yung moves niya.

i cannot judge other people because the Lord says that we should only Be witnesses of our Faith

Matthew 10:11-15 New International Version (NIV)
11 Whatever town or village you enter, search there for some worthy person and stay at their house until you leave. 12 As you enter the home, give it your greeting. 13 If the home is deserving, let your peace rest on it; if it is not, let your peace return to you. 14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet. 15 Truly I tell you, it will be more bearable for Sodom and Gomorrah on the day of judgment than for that town.

Kaya i keep the Sabbath becuase it was instituted by God as a rest nung Days of Creation. Jesus kept in and si Paul preach on synagogue. and Based on history facts it was Emperor Constantine who made the first Sunday Law.
and my verse na new heaven and new Earth sa isaiah na all will bowdown to the Lord on the Sabbath Day. tapos yun based on the verse above we might be Rejecting the Lord if we reject His Sabbath rest.

What we do here on Earth is our preparation to enter the Kingdom of God. tama yun ibang tao dito everyday with the Lord we can praise and worship. sa Genesis the Lord blessed and Sanctified it.
Pag na Bless na di na mababawi like what happened to Jacob nung na Bless na siya di na ma bless ni Isaac si Esau.

And the Lords Day. doesnt say it is The First day of the week. kung walang biblical evidence na sinabi. it will directly fall on the Day that the Lord belssed and snatified meaning Seperated, so the Lord's day is Sabbath day. because Sunday is the day of the Sun worshippers in remembrance to their Pagan God. and Sabbath is a remembrance fo the Creation of God

I dont want to be Bash here. you can Place whatever your beliefs i accept. This is my own opinion. Thanks God bless.
kung ibabase mo po sa nakasulat maliwanag po kung kailan ang sabbath day maliwanag din po kung anu dapat gawin sa sabbath day

Genesis 2
1 Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them.

2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.

3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.

Exodus 20
1 And God spake all these words, saying,

2 I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. note

3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likenessof any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

5 Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6 And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

7 Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in itthou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

11 For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

sino ba namang nag sabi na ang dapat gawin sa sabbath day ay mag simba.. latag niyo yung verse kung neron para maliwanagan ako

Matthew 12
1 At that time Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungred, and began to pluck the ears of corn, and to eat.

2 But when the Pharisees saw it, they said unto him, Behold, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do upon the sabbath day.

3 But he said unto them, Have ye not read what David did, when he was an hungred, and they that were with him;

4 How he entered into the house of God, and did eat the shewbread, which was not lawful for him to eat, neither for them which were with him, but only for the priests?

5 Or have ye not read in the law, how that on the sabbath days the priests in the temple profane the sabbath, and are blameless?

6 But I say unto you, That in this place is one greater than the temple.

7 But if ye had known what thismeaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice, ye would not have condemned the guiltless.

8 For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.

9 And when he was departed thence, he went into their synagogue:

10 And, behold, there was a man which had his hand withered. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath days? that they might accuse him.

11 And he said unto them, What man shall there be among you, that shall have one sheep, and if it fall into a pit on the sabbath day, will he not lay hold on it, and lift itout?

12 How much then is a man better than a sheep? Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.

13 Then saith he to the man,Stretch forth thine hand. And he stretched it forth; and it was restored whole, like as the other.

14 Then the Pharisees went out, and held a council against him, how they might destroy him.

kaya mayayari tayong lahat kapag buhay tayo nung buhay pa si kristo dahil kung ano ginawa ng mga phariseo sinunod lang naman nila yung naka sulat kung anu yung hindi naka sulat hindi pinaniwalaan paanong hindi maliligaw ang tao kapag yung alam mong tama mali pala dahil hindi naman alam na si jesus christ pala talaga ang anak ng Diyos nuon

kung ilalagay natin pwesto matin ngayon sa kanila nuon hindi tayo nalalayong pag babatuhin din si kristo ng bato at tawagin siyang demonyo
saan po sa bible na si Jesus mismo ang nag utos ukol sa araw ng pagsamba o pagsisimba?
fyi lang boss ang sabbath day ay araw ng pamamahinga

ang lord's day naman po ay sabbath day not sunday but the 7th day

so kung susundin mo parin po ang ang araw ng sabbath day.. halos walang pinagkaiba sa Lord's day

so yun po kung nag start ka ng work ng 1tuesday 2wednesday 3thursday 4friday 5saturday 6sunday on the 7th day which is monday ang sabbath day ang pahinga mo po at walang sinabing dapat kang mag simba sa sabbath day ang sinabi dapat kang magpahina sa sabbath day so bale tama sunday ang sabbath day mo po

bale trip mo nalang po ang mag simba sa sunday niyan dahil hindi naman required

tsaka po hindi rin daw po naninirahan sa simbahan ang spirit ng Diyos kundi po sa temple ng tao sa bawat individual bale po para sakin kung san merong talagang nag darasal nandun po ang Diyos
fyi lang boss ang sabbath day ay araw ng pamamahinga

ang lord's day naman po ay sabbath day not sunday but the 7th day

so kung susundin mo parin po ang ang araw ng sabbath day.. halos walang pinagkaiba sa Lord's day

so yun po kung nag start ka ng work ng 1tuesday 2wednesday 3thursday 4friday 5saturday 6sunday on the 7th day which is monday ang sabbath day ang pahinga mo po at walang sinabing dapat kang mag simba sa sabbath day ang sinabi dapat kang magpahina sa sabbath day so bale tama sunday ang sabbath day mo po

bale trip mo nalang po ang mag simba sa sunday niyan dahil hindi naman required

tsaka po hindi rin daw po naninirahan sa simbahan ang spirit ng Diyos kundi po sa temple ng tao sa bawat individual bale po para sakin kung san merong talagang nag darasal nandun po ang Diyos

Amen to this. Sabbath day is the Lord's day. Tama ka rin na the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. :)

Going to church doesn't make you save. Sa church ka to listen to word of God or probobly comfort your friends na has problems. Because some people go to church when they have problems.

Then he went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath he taught the people. 32 They were amazed at his teaching,because his words had authority. Luke 4:31-32

He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath day he went into the synagogue, as was his CUSTOM. He stood up to read, 17 and the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was handed to him. Unrolling it, he found the place where it is written: Luke 4:16-17

The Church ia the training ground for Christians to preach and be witnesses of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lords day na Sunday is one of the errors again that the romans Christian instituted in the mind of People. John vision on Revelation was given on a Lords Sabbath day
To wrap this up ibig sabihin weither saturday or sunday ang day of worship. if your church chooses saturday then respect it. if it is sunday respect it.

Sabi nga ni Charles R. Butler Neto, isang theologian sa Howard University Schood of Divinity :

Depends on what you are looking for. The Hebrew Bible says to remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy - and that is what the Jews do. When the Christian faith started - all of its members were Jews - and they worshiped on Saturday and then met on Sundays to break bread together to remember Jesus in a sacred meal.

For many years, this practice continued, and it caused a ruckus for the first 75 years of the church. Paul noticed this and said “some esteem one day above all others, and others hold one day different - each should do as they feel led.”

Christians started meeting only on Sunday and at some point that day was declared their day of worship as the day of the Sun of Righteousness. However, at no time did the Christian church NOT say that the Sabbath was changed and in all Latinate languages the word for the 7th day of the week is STILL Sabbath, not Saturday and Sunday is listed as the Lord’s Day - Domingo - for the Day of Worship of Jesus.

So your question - which day is the correct day for worship is BOTH - depending on which religion you are following - and both - apparently - are blessed by the Divine.

Sabi rin ni Robert Stroud of United Methodist Church:

The Sabbath day in the scriptures was the seventh day of the week, or Saturday. It began at sundown on Friday and ended at sundown on Saturday, which is how the first creation story in Genesis describes God's creation of the heavens and the Earth ( “there was evening, there was morning, the first day,” etc.) Accordingly, people of the Jewish faith and some Christian denominations hold worship services on Saturday, since that is the scriptural Sabbath day. Most people of the Christian faith began early on worshipping on Sunday, since that is the day of the week when Jesus was resurrected from the dead. The first Christians were Jewish and presumably kept the Sabbath day holy (Saturday) as well as honoring Jesus on the first day of the week Sunday) to commemorate his resurrection. Over time, traditions have become what they are today.
Coming together with God's people to worship is not really about the day of the week you do it on. It's more about taking time to be a part of a faith community that lifts God in praise and worship together, finding ways to serve God's kingdom through acts of mercy and justice, and working to alleviate human suffering. It's about loving God and loving neighbor.

At ni Apostle Paul mismo sa sulat niya sa simbahan sa collosae:

Colossians 2:16-17

16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. NIV

Thank you sa inyong mga response!

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To wrap this up ibig sabihin weither saturday or sunday ang day of worship. if your church chooses saturday then respect it. if it is sunday respect it.

Sabi nga ni Charles R. Butler Neto, isang theologian sa Howard University Schood of Divinity :

Sabi rin ni Robert Stroud of United Methodist Church:

At ni Apostle Paul mismo sa sulat niya sa simbahan sa collosae:

Colossians 2:16-17

16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day.
17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ. NIV

Thank you sa inyong mga response!

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Sa ngayon it doesnt matter pa talaga. pero i believe in the future there will be another Sunday Law. That the beast religion will enforce.

kaya if you think Those 2 verses and nilatag ko about Sunday is enough then worship on Sunday.

pero if you think it is not then follow the Sabbath, pero sa New Heaven and New Earth like yung verse na matagal ko na nilalatag sabi all Will bow down to God on a Sabbath.

God bless. Lord's day is only mention in Revelation. and i believe it is still the Sabbath day. aralin mo story ni Jacob and Esau. when JAcob deceived Isaac for the blessing. it was can never be reverse.

and think about it why would God change his Holy Day. Why does most Christians believes on 9 commandments of the 10 and neglect 1 commandment? sa Israel rin naman binigay yung 10 commandments eh.

read the whole chapter of Revelation 7. tapos Revelation 14. it talks about spiritual 144,000 Israelites with the Seal of God.symbolic yan.Mormons say it is Literal number,this last day people. keeps the Sabbath day

Sabi ni Paul

Galatians 3:28 New International Version (NIV)
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

wala ng pinagkaiba sa Judgement day pantay pantay na. pero bakit sa Revelation na mention ulit ang Israel?
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Will that's your belief and I respect that. But Paul said that Sabbath day is one of those shadow of the things that were to come. Because the reality, however, is found in Christ. Do you believe what paul said sa colossians 2:16-17?
Will that's your belief and I respect that. But Paul said that Sabbath day is one of those shadow of the things that were to come. Because the reality, however, is found in Christ. Do you believe what paul said sa colossians 2:16-17?

Ofcourse i belived that. yung sinasabi dun ni Paul is the yearly Sabbath and Lunar Sabbath. kasi madami Sabbaths. Pero the weekly 7th day Sabbath rest was instituted in the garden of Eden. the other Sabbaths like Lunar Sabbath was part of the Book of MOses.

pero yun nga do not let Anyone tell you. kaya nga sinasabi ko. does your heart convict you that the Sabbath rest was change to Sunday? the Judgement of God will be equal wether you are a Jew or Gentile because wala ng difference ang pagiging Jew or Gentile according to Paul

sa mga nag sasabi rin na the early Church kept Sunday?

it is impossible kasi nga si Peter teaches in the Synagogue. tapos during his vision lang about unclean animals. na pinag preach siya kay Cornelius na nagturo siya sa Gentiles.

si Paul was used to Preach to the Gentiles He preach too sa Synagogue tapos dami Gentiles gusto bumalik ulit sa Synagogue on the Next Sabbath. The Jews hated the Gentile. so yun pinagtuturuan niya na yun was one of the Early Churches na rin

Last Days are coming yung leader ng Beast nakikipagunite na sa lahatng religion

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end of the reformation by protestants lead by Martin Luther.

end time will come so fast. im just warning you guys of the Beast religion. what day does it worship?

its either Seal of God or MArk of the Beast. Seal of God read Revelation 7, and 14. 12 tribes os Israel yan

And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now..
wala pang Israel nung panahon ni Abraham.
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Ofcourse i belived that. yung sinasabi dun ni Paul is the yearly Sabbath and Lunar Sabbath. kasi madami Sabbaths. Pero the weekly 7th day Sabbath rest was instituted in the garden of Eden. the other Sabbaths like Lunar Sabbath was part of the Book of MOses.

pero yun nga do not let Anyone tell you. kaya nga sinasabi ko. does your heart convict you that the Sabbath rest was change to Sunday? the Judgement of God will be equal wether you are a Jew or Gentile because wala ng difference ang pagiging Jew or Gentile according to Paul

sa mga nag sasabi rin na the early Church kept Sunday?

it is impossible kasi nga si Peter teaches in the Synagogue. tapos during his vision lang about unclean animals. na pinag preach siya kay Cornelius na nagturo siya sa Gentiles.

si Paul was used to Preach to the Gentiles He preach too sa Synagogue tapos dami Gentiles gusto bumalik ulit sa Synagogue on the Next Sabbath. The Jews hated the Gentile. so yun pinagtuturuan niya na yun was one of the Early Churches na rin

Last Days are coming yung leader ng Beast nakikipagunite na sa lahatng religion

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end of the reformation by protestants lead by Martin Luther.

end time will come so fast. im just warning you guys of the Beast religion. what day does it worship?

its either Seal of God or MArk of the Beast. Seal of God read Revelation 7, and 14. 12 tribes os Israel yan

And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise." You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now..
wala pang Israel nung panahon ni Abraham.
First things first kung mag-reply ka huwag ka judgmental, at huwag ka muna mag-add ng mga sagot na hindi naman relevant sa topic para hindi ma-confuse ang mga nagbabasa.

Kahit anong sabbath pa yan sakop pa rin yan sa colossians 2:16-17.

in the older versions ng bible KJV;

16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

Kung gusto mo sabado ang day of worship bahala ka. kung gusto ng iba sunday which is the Lord's day of worship ok pa rin walang mawawala. Ang importante you keep the sabbath and live a holy life. [ Hindi ako mabait but i tried to get into the race]

Sa akin lang pede ko i-keep ang sabbath sa sabado at hindi ako magtatrabaho at sunday naman celebrating Lord's day.

Ito pa sabi ni paul sa Romans 14: 5
"In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable." NLT
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First things first kung mag-reply ka huwag ka judgmental, at huwag ka muna mag-add ng mga sagot na hindi naman relevant sa topic para hindi ma-confuse ang mga nagbabasa.

Kahit anong sabbath pa yan sakop pa rin yan sa colossians 2:16-17.

in the older versions ng bible KJV;

16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

Kung gusto mo sabado ang day of worship bahala ka. kung gusto ng iba sunday which is the Lord's day of worship ok pa rin walang mawawala. Ang importante you keep the sabbath and live a holy life. [ Hindi ako mabait but i tried to get into the race]

Sa akin lang pede ko i-keep ang sabbath sa sabado at hindi ako magtatrabaho at sunday naman celebrating Lord's day.

Ito pa sabi ni paul sa Romans 15: 5
"In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable." NLT

Kung yan yung conviction mo sa heart mo then let it be. At least you rest pa rin on a Sabbath :)

Aralin mo naman different type of Sabbath. Weekly Sabbath. Sa 10 commandments yan.
Meron Sabbath na falls in every 7 years na kelangan magpahinga ng land mo. Meron rin Lunar Sabbath.

Pag binasa mo whole Collossians 2 sabi dun is
Yung mga tradition celebrations like yung mga passover ,tabernacle celebrations.

8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Colossians 2:8

And the Lord's day wala sinabi sa bible na it is from the first day of the week.

Ang scary lang sa Sunday worship that it might fall on the traditions of Men. Sabbath day rest came from Laws of God. And meron writings na Constantine declare that day as a rest day. So tradition of men rin yan
Kung yan yung conviction mo sa heart mo then let it be. At least you rest pa rin on a Sabbath :)

Aralin mo naman different type of Sabbath. Weekly Sabbath. Sa 10 commandments yan.
Meron Sabbath na falls in every 7 years na kelangan magpahinga ng land mo. Meron rin Lunar Sabbath.

Pag binasa mo whole Collossians 2 sabi dun is
Yung mga tradition celebrations like yung mga passover ,tabernacle celebrations.

8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Colossians 2:8

And the Lord's day wala sinabi sa bible na it is from the first day of the week.

Ang scary lang sa Sunday worship that it might fall on the traditions of Men. Sabbath day rest came from Laws of God. And meron writings na Constantine declare that day as a rest day. So tradition of men rin yan
Kahit aralin ko pa yan at i-practice hindi ko pwede i-force sa lahat ng mga christian na we should only assemble and worship on sabbath day ( sabado) kasi sa sinabi ni paul sa colossians 2:16-17:

16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

at sa Romans 14: 5
"In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable." NLT

Meaning each should act on his/her convictions - kahit sabado o sunday. Neither should judge the other.
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Magsimba ka kung kelan mo gustong magsimba. Just keep SABBATH/SABADO holy.
Nasa araw ba talaga kung kailan magsimba?
Oo dapat may time tayo para sa pagpuri sa Dios diba may time tayo sa mga monthsary Anniversary at iba pang okasyon ang Dioa sabbath ang pinaka pag alala skanya nalalaman naman natin na ang unang araw ng sanlinggo ay ang linggo basahin sa biblia si Cristo ay nabuhay nung unang araq ng sanlinggo sa bible mismo yan kaya ang ikapitong araw ay sabado sabbath sa jews
Kahit aralin ko pa yan at i-practice hindi ko pwede i-force sa lahat ng mga christian na we should only assemble and worship on sabbath day ( sabado) kasi sa sinabi ni paul sa colossians 2:16-17:

16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

at sa Romans 14: 5
"In the same way, some think one day is more holy than another day, while others think every day is alike. You should each be fully convinced that whichever day you choose is acceptable." NLT

Meaning each should act on our convictions - kahit sabado o sunday. Neither should judge the other.
Ung Sabbath days sa sinabi ni Paul ay iba sa SABBATH in a week. Ung Sabbath days doon ay "traditions" (unleavened bread, new moon) which is also sa sabbath.

Dun sa pangalawa, remember that Paul is a Apostle of the Gentiles at alam nyang forcing these gentiles to follow law is hard. Kaya nga nagka-away(?) pa sila ni Peter sa kung dapat ba tuliin ung mga gentiles. Kay Paul kailangan mamuhay sila ng may faith. Kung papansinin mo din kung pagbabasehan ung timeframe Ng bawat epistles sinabi ni Paul na "Child drink milk and adults meat" (meaning kailangan growing faith mo) at "faith without work is dead". At nakabase ang faith sa Law.

bottom line, wala syang binawal. Wala syang binago. Kahit silang mga apostol nagKeep ng Sabbath.
ang pagsamba ay araw-araw.. hindi lang pagpunta ng church ang pagsamba (kasama sa pagsamba) .. yung katawan mo ay gawing kasangkapan sa katuwiran ng Dios, pagsamba na yun sa Dios.
Sabbath panahon yan ni moises. Pero pagdating ni kristo iniba nya utos. Hindi sya nangingilin ng sabbath. Kaya nga may new testament.
Sa panahon na nating mga kristiyano yung tinuro na ni kristo dapat sundin.

Pero kung magfofocus tayo sa tanong mo. Walang pinipiling araw ang pag samba. Di nga pagsisimba tawag dyan. Sa bibliya ay pagsamba. Di rin necessary na nasa simbahan ka dahil ang diyos ay espiritu. Di sya tumatahan sa mga kahoy, rebolto na ginawa lamang sa kamay ng tao

Kung magbabasa lang tayo ng bibliya lahat, mas marami tayo matutunan. Solve ako sa logic ng bibliya. Pati mga nangyayari ngayon nakasulat na yan sa bibliya. 2 thousand years ago. Halimbawa, magkakaroon ng lindol at magsisitindig ang bansa laban sa bansa. Eh nagyayari naman talaga ngayon yan. Kaya napaka tindi ng hula dun na di masyado pinapansin ng tao.
Kasi nga naman, di naman tinuturo ng mga pari. Basta simba lang, yun lang tas abuloy na. Mga tao walang natutunan panu ang pagiging buong kristiyano
Bakit nagalit ai kristo sa mga negosyante sa labas ng simbahan? Dahil nilalapastangan nila ang sabbath at saan mo nakuha ang salitang hindi na sya nangingilin ng sabbath? At anung sinasabi mo na binago ni kristo ang mga utos nung tinubos nya ang tao?

Unang dahilan kaya dumating si kristo sa mundo ay para tuparin ang utos hind para baguhin sabi nga nga ni isang tuldok o kuwit walang mababago.

At pangalawa para ipakita nya ang tamang asal, sa pagsunod para sa ikalawang pag parito handa kna sa mga routine ng buhay. Kung maliligtas tayo.

At pangatlo upang ipakita na naligtas ang tao sa pamamagitan ng pananampalataya, tulad na lng ng magnanakaw na katabi nya sa krus.
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