Recent content by dnachavez

  1. D

    C language

    Did a refactor of your code. Also added comments to explain what each code does. #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> // Function to clear the terminal screen based on the operating system. void clearScreen() { #ifdef _WIN32 system("cls"); #else system("clear")...
  2. D

    Help Google Maps API Key is not requiring credit cards though. They give free credits to each accounts if you subscribe to an API. You can then use the endpoint after that.
  3. D

    Help Google Maps API Key

    Hi. There are available Google Maps APIs and other maps APIs on Have you tried searching for one that suits your needs? They offer a lot of freemium (free and ρrémíùm) endpoints that you can use. Some are unlimited, and some use credits. You can create a new account if your credits...
  4. D

    Google Translation Next.js App

    Translation App with Next.js, Chakra UI, and Google Translate API This project is a web-based translation app built using Next.js and Chakra UI. It uses the Google Translate API provided by Pawan.Krd, allowing users to translate text from one language to another. Features Clean and intuitive...
  5. D

    PHP IoT Parking System using Arduino Uno R4 WiFi and CodeIgniter 4

    An IoT parking system project built using CodeIgniter 4 and Arduino Uno R4 WiFi for IT214 - IS Innovations and New Technologies subject. 📝 Table of Contents About Getting Started Deployment Usage Built Using Contributing Authors 🧐 About This project is designed to address the challenges of...