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Help Trivia: What is Quorum Programming Language


Eternal Poster
Jan 23, 2019
Quorum is the first evidence-oriented programming language. It is used for coding games, LEGO, digital signal processing, physics, and more.

It is designed to be accessible to everyone, in particular to individuals who are blind and use a screen reader technology. It is used by many schools for the blind to teach programming.

What kind of programming language is Quorum?

Quorum is a general-purpose tool that is called an "evidence-based" programming language.

Evidence-Based Programming refers to specific programmatic activities and processes, which—based on a review of available research and ongoing research efforts—appear to be related to positive outcomes for program participants.

It started as a language for blind or visually impaired students. However, as Quorum gained popularity, it broadened to work for everyone. Now, Quorum supports a wide variety of applications, like creating games, audio processing, and many other applications. It can be used in the classroom or for commercial purposes at no charge.

What are the high-level technical details of Quorum?

Quorum has many features. It can use evidence from experiments to make it easy to learn, but powerful and scalable. It has many features common in other languages, but has been refined for ease of use. Quorum also has a large standard library, which contains additions to the

language. Examples include libraries for math, data structures, web components, physics, 2D/3D graphics, digital signal processing, 3D auditory processing, and more.

What platforms does Quorum supports?

Quorum programs can be created on various versions of Windows, Mac, and in a browser. Programs written in Quorum can be compiled to run on a desktop, on the web, or on the iPhone.

Libraries Quorum 5 has a wide variety of libraries available.

These libraries are designed to be easy to use and accessible.

Libraries for:

• Accessibility • Containers • Digital Signal Processing • Language Features

• LEGO Robotics • Graphics (2D and 3D) • Mathematics • MIDI Music

• Physics • Sound (5.1 available) • System Features • Web

• Video Game Development

Quorum also supports most common programming language features like:

• Inheritance • Generics • Exceptions • Plugins

Quorum is a commercial strength programming language and is written in Quorum itself.

It can compile programs to desktop, the web, or to iPhone.

Computer Science for All

A major goal of AP Computer Science Principles is broadening participation, which means the inclusion of all students regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic, or disability status. This goal cannot be achieved without attention to the accessibility of the curricula. Quorum programming methods can be visual and auditory.

In order for an online curriculum to be accessible to people with disabilities, it must be compatible with modern screen readers such as JAWS, NVDA on PCs, and VoiceOver on Mac. It must also be compatible with the magnification tools built into PCs and Macs and add-on tools such as ZoomText. Quorum’s online environment provides accessible formats using the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) and Accessible Rich Internet Applications (ARIA) as an initial guide.

Quorum Accessible CS Principles

Quorum has developed an accessible adaptation of the Code.org Computer Science Principles curriculum. It follows the same lesson plan sequence and covers the same big ideas and computational thinking practices found in the College Board AP CS Principles Framework. The individual lessons have been modified using alternative interactive tools and “unplugged” activities to provide support for people with various disabilities. The Quorum AP Computer Science Principles can be used by anyone, including those with disabilities.

Quorum Accessible Tools

The Quorum team has written several accessible versions of the tools made by Code.org. Our replacements work by creating a similar tool in the Quorum web-based programming environment that is already WCAG 2.1 compliant.


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