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Stocks End With Second Straight Loss


Forum Expert
May 26, 2022
The Philippine stock market is weak because the US Dollar is strong. The USD is strong because the Americans can always print all the Dollars they’ll ever need.

And since the USD is the Global Currency Reserve demand for the green back will keep the USD strong.

The result: All major currencies around the world have depreciated significantly while their stock market are not doing well either.

Who benefits? Of course the American oligarchs with the inflated valuations of their companies’ share prices and consequently their net worth along with their investments in other currencies.

Imagine holding a USD denominated Japan debt in April 2019 at USD1 = JPY111 of say USD 1.0 million. That’s equivalent to ¥111 million.

Today at USD1 = JPY153 the same debt of USD 1.0 million is now worth ¥153 million.

That’s a whopping +37.8% gain in just four years for essentially doing nothing. Haha.

This is the reason why the Americans are hell bent on keeping the status quo that is the American hegemon of the Unipolar World by all means necessary.

It’s not even the economy, stupid. It’s for the less than 1% minority who control the US economy, stupidiest!

But don’t you worry, it was also like this before the dot com bubble burst in 2000 and the same pattern before the 2008 housing market crash. That’s how stupid they are.

The stock market is the best example of history repeating itself and the Americans, oh well, they’re the best example of people refusing or forgetting the lessons of their own history.

The Bulls in Wall Street are of course quite happy. But I couldn’t say the same thing for the ordinary American taxpayer.


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