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Forum Veteran
Nov 13, 2016
git push -u origin master error: RPC failed; HTTP 408 curl 22 The requested URL returned error: 408 send-pack: unexpected disconnect while reading sideband packet fatal: the remote end hung up unexpectedly Everything up-to-date

Why I have this kind of error when I push to using git. What is the solution on this kind of error?
The error message you encountered typically occurs when there is a problem with the network connection between your local machine and the remote Git repository.

Here are a few possible solutions to resolve this issue:

1. Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable and reliable internet connection. A temporary network interruption or a slow internet connection can cause this error.

2. Increase the Git buffer size: By default, Git uses a small buffer size for transmitting data. You can try increasing the buffer size by running the following command:
git config http.postBuffer 524288000
This command sets the buffer size to 500MB. You can adjust the value as needed.

3. Switch to SSH protocol: Instead of using the HTTP protocol, you can switch to the more reliable SSH protocol for pushing to the remote repository. Generate an SSH key pair and add the public key to your Git hosting provider (e.g., GitHub, GitLab). Then, update the remote URL to use the SSH protocol. For example:
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:username/repo.git

4. Split large pushes into smaller batches: If you are pushing a large number of commits or a large file, it can overwhelm the server and cause the error. Try splitting the push into smaller batches by pushing a subset of commits or files at a time.

5. Contact your Git hosting provider: If the issue persists, it may be worth reaching out to your Git hosting provider's support team. They can investigate any server-side issues that may be causing the error.

It's important to note that the above solutions are general recommendations, and the specific solution may vary depending on your environment and the root cause of the error.
The error message you encountered typically occurs when there is a problem with the network connection between your local machine and the remote Git repository.

Here are a few possible solutions to resolve this issue:

1. Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable and reliable internet connection. A temporary network interruption or a slow internet connection can cause this error.

2. Increase the Git buffer size: By default, Git uses a small buffer size for transmitting data. You can try increasing the buffer size by running the following command:
git config http.postBuffer 524288000
This command sets the buffer size to 500MB. You can adjust the value as needed.

3. Switch to SSH protocol: Instead of using the HTTP protocol, you can switch to the more reliable SSH protocol for pushing to the remote repository. Generate an SSH key pair and add the public key to your Git hosting provider (e.g., GitHub, GitLab). Then, update the remote URL to use the SSH protocol. For example:
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:username/repo.git

4. Split large pushes into smaller batches: If you are pushing a large number of commits or a large file, it can overwhelm the server and cause the error. Try splitting the push into smaller batches by pushing a subset of commits or files at a time.

5. Contact your Git hosting provider: If the issue persists, it may be worth reaching out to your Git hosting provider's support team. They can investigate any server-side issues that may be causing the error.

It's important to note that the above solutions are general recommendations, and the specific solution may vary depending on your environment and the root cause of the error.
How to do split pushes into smaller batches
How to do split pushes into smaller batches
To split your pushes into smaller batches, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the commits you want to split: Use the git log command to view the commit history and identify the range of commits you want to split. Note the commit hashes or other identifiers of the commits.

2. Create a new branch: It's a good practice to create a new branch to work on the split pushes. Use the git branch command to create a new branch based on the commit range you want to split. For example:
   git branch split-branch <starting_commit>..<ending_commit>

3. Checkout the new branch: Switch to the newly created branch using the git checkout command. For example:
   git checkout split-branch

4. Cherry-pick or rebase the commits: You have two options for splitting the commits:

a. Cherry-pick: Use the git cherry-pick command to apply individual commits to the new branch. For example:
      git cherry-pick <commit_hash>
Repeat this command for each commit you want to split.

b. Rebase: Use the git rebase -i command to interactively rebase the commits on the new branch. This allows you to choose which commits to keep, edit, or drop. For example:
      git rebase -i <commit_hash>
In the interactive rebase editor, you can choose to squash, split, or edit commits as needed.

5. Push the new branch: Once you have the desired commits on the new branch, you can push the branch to the remote repository using the git push command. For example:
   git push -u origin split-branch

6. Repeat the process: If you have more commits to split, repeat steps 1-5 for each batch of commits you want to push.

By splitting your pushes into smaller batches, you can avoid overwhelming the remote repository and reduce the likelihood of encountering errors like the one you mentioned.
The error message you encountered typically occurs when there is a problem with the network connection between your local machine and the remote Git repository.

Here are a few possible solutions to resolve this issue:

1. Check your internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable and reliable internet connection. A temporary network interruption or a slow internet connection can cause this error.

2. Increase the Git buffer size: By default, Git uses a small buffer size for transmitting data. You can try increasing the buffer size by running the following command:
git config http.postBuffer 524288000
This command sets the buffer size to 500MB. You can adjust the value as needed.

3. Switch to SSH protocol: Instead of using the HTTP protocol, you can switch to the more reliable SSH protocol for pushing to the remote repository. Generate an SSH key pair and add the public key to your Git hosting provider (e.g., GitHub, GitLab). Then, update the remote URL to use the SSH protocol. For example:
git remote set-url origin git@github.com:username/repo.git

4. Split large pushes into smaller batches: If you are pushing a large number of commits or a large file, it can overwhelm the server and cause the error. Try splitting the push into smaller batches by pushing a subset of commits or files at a time.

5. Contact your Git hosting provider: If the issue persists, it may be worth reaching out to your Git hosting provider's support team. They can investigate any server-side issues that may be causing the error.

It's important to note that the above solutions are general recommendations, and the specific solution may vary depending on your environment and the root cause of the error.
What is the max size of commit in git to avoid error?
What is the max size of commit in git to avoid error?
In Git, there is no specific maximum size for a commit. However, it is generally recommended to keep individual commits reasonably sized to maintain a clean and manageable commit history. Large commits can potentially cause issues during operations such as pushing, pulling, or merging.

While there is no hard limit on commit size, it is good practice to follow these guidelines:

1. Keep commits focused: Each commit should represent a single logical change or feature. By keeping commits focused and specific, it becomes easier to understand and review changes.

2. Avoid including large binary files: Git is not optimized for handling large binary files, such as images or videos. Including such files in commits can make the repository size grow quickly and impact performance. Instead, consider using Git's Large File Storage (LFS) or other external storage solutions for managing large files.

3. Review and clean up commits: Before pushing your commits, it's beneficial to review them and ensure they are well-organized and properly formatted. This can include squashing or splitting commits to make the commit history more coherent.

4. Consider using code review tools: Utilizing code review tools or practices can help catch issues and improve the quality of commits before they are merged. This can be especially helpful in preventing larger commits that may introduce errors or conflicts.

By following these guidelines and keeping your commits small and focused, you can avoid potential errors and maintain a clean and manageable Git history.
In Git, there is no specific maximum size for a commit. However, it is generally recommended to keep individual commits reasonably sized to maintain a clean and manageable commit history. Large commits can potentially cause issues during operations such as pushing, pulling, or merging.

While there is no hard limit on commit size, it is good practice to follow these guidelines:

1. Keep commits focused: Each commit should represent a single logical change or feature. By keeping commits focused and specific, it becomes easier to understand and review changes.

2. Avoid including large binary files: Git is not optimized for handling large binary files, such as images or videos. Including such files in commits can make the repository size grow quickly and impact performance. Instead, consider using Git's Large File Storage (LFS) or other external storage solutions for managing large files.

3. Review and clean up commits: Before pushing your commits, it's beneficial to review them and ensure they are well-organized and properly formatted. This can include squashing or splitting commits to make the commit history more coherent.

4. Consider using code review tools: Utilizing code review tools or practices can help catch issues and improve the quality of commits before they are merged. This can be especially helpful in preventing larger commits that may introduce errors or conflicts.

By following these guidelines and keeping your commits small and focused, you can avoid potential errors and maintain a clean and manageable Git history.
What is the best practice if I want to push a whole project to git?
What is the best practice if I want to push a whole project to git?
When pushing a whole project to Git, it is important to follow some best practices to ensure a clean and organized repository. Here are some recommended steps:

1. Initialize a new Git repository: If your project is not already a Git repository, you can initialize a new repository by running the command git init in the root directory of your project.

2. Create a .gitignore file: Before adding files to your repository, it is recommended to create a .gitignore file in the project's root directory. This file specifies patterns for files and directories that should be ignored by Git. Common examples include build artifacts, temporary files, and sensitive information like passwords or API keys.

3. Stage and commit files: Use the git add command to stage files for commit. You can add specific files or directories, or use git add . to add all files and directories (excluding those specified in the .gitignore file). Then, use git commit to commit the staged changes with a descriptive commit message.

4. Consider branch structure: Depending on your project's complexity, it can be beneficial to establish a branch structure early on. For example, you may have a main branch for stable code, a development branch for ongoing development work, and feature branches for specific features or bug fixes. This helps organize and collaborate on the project effectively.

5. Push to a remote repository: To push your project to a remote Git repository, first, create a repository on a Git hosting platform (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket). Then, add the remote repository URL to your local repository using the git remote add origin <remote_url> command. Finally, run git push -u origin <branch_name> to push your code to the remote repository.

6. Regularly update and sync: As you continue working on your project, regularly commit and push your changes to keep your codebase up to date. Before making new changes, it is recommended to sync with the latest changes from the remote repository using git pull.

Remember that these are general best practices, and you can adjust them to fit the specific needs of your project and team. It's also a good idea to review Git workflows and conventions to ensure a smooth collaboration process.

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