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Sure, here is a sample likert scale survey questionnaire for pomodoro technique self-assessment:

Instructions: Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1-5, where 1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, and 5=strongly agree.

1. I find it difficult to focus on tasks for a sustained period of time without getting distracted.
2. I have a tendency to procrastinate when faced with a challenging task.
3. I feel more productive when I break my work into smaller, manageable sessions.
4. Using the pomodoro technique helps me manage my time better.
5. I feel less stressed and more in control of my workload when I use the pomodoro technique.
6. The pomodoro technique has helped me achieve my goals more efficiently.
7. I find it easy to maintain my focus during a pomodoro session.
8. I am able to prioritize my tasks better when using the pomodoro technique.
9. The pomodoro technique has helped me improve my work-life balance.
10. Overall, I would recommend the pomodoro technique to others as a productivity tool.

Thank you!

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