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create me a scope and limitations in formal research/thesis in our system titled: FARMHUB : ENHANCING AGRICULTURAL EFFICIENCY THROUGH A USER-FRIENDLY FARMER APPLICATION FOR CROP MANAGEMENT AND MARKET ACCESS with the following features:

  • real-time inventory management
  • allowing farmers to efficiently track their produce
  • assess market demand
  • strategically plan harvests to mitigate oversupply
### Scope

The research thesis titled "FARMHUB: Enhancing Agricultural Efficiency Through a User-Friendly Farmer Application for Crop Management and Market Access" aims to explore the development and implementation of a comprehensive system to improve agricultural practices for farmers. The scope of the study includes the following features:

1. Real-time Inventory Management: The system will be designed to provide farmers with a digital platform to manage their inventory in real-time. This includes tracking the quantity and quality of their produce, monitoring storage conditions, and updating stock levels as needed.

2. Efficient Tracking of Produce: FARMHUB will enable farmers to track their produce from planting to harvesting to post-harvest handling. This feature will help farmers monitor the growth stages of their crops, identify potential issues, and optimize their farming practices accordingly.

3. Market Demand Assessment: The system will incorporate tools to help farmers assess market demand for their produce. This feature will enable farmers to make informed decisions about what and how much to plant based on market trends and consumer preferences.

4. Harvest Planning for Supply Management: FARMHUB will assist farmers in strategically planning their harvests to avoid oversupply situations. By analyzing market demand data and crop growth cycles, the system will provide recommendations on when to harvest to maximize profits and minimize waste.

### Limitations

1. Technical Constraints: The research will be limited by the technical capabilities of the FARMHUB system. Any limitations in terms of hardware, software, or network infrastructure could impact the implementation and functionality of the system.

2. Data Accuracy and Reliability: The accuracy of market demand assessments and inventory management in real-time may be influenced by the quality and reliability of the data input by farmers. The study will acknowledge this limitation and explore ways to enhance data accuracy through user training and system validation checks.

3. User Adoption and Training: The success of FARMHUB relies on farmers' willingness to adopt and effectively use the application. The research will consider limitations related to user training, digital literacy, and resistance to change among farmers.

4. Market Dynamics: While the system aims to help farmers make informed decisions about crop management and market access, external factors such as weather conditions, economic fluctuations, and regulatory changes may still impact agricultural efficiency. The study will acknowledge these market dynamics as limitations beyond the system's control.

By acknowledging these limitations and focusing on the defined scope, the research thesis on FARMHUB will provide valuable insights into enhancing agricultural efficiency through technology-driven solutions for crop management and market access.
make a scope and limitation 1 paragraph each with the following features:
  • real-time inventory management
  • allowing farmers to efficiently track their produce
  • assess market demand
  • strategically plan harvests to mitigate oversupply