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Honorary Poster
Here's a three interesting philosophical questions and try to answer them:

1. Is it possible to live a normal life and not ever tell a lie?
2. If freedom is simply being able to do what you want, are animals freer than humans?
3. Would you #ill ten people to save one? (Change hashtag sign to "K", because the word is seems a little controversial).
1. It is possible to live a life without telling a lie, but it may be difficult to live a "normal" life. In our society, we often use white lies or half-truths to spare someone's feelings or to avoid conflict. Living a completely truthful life may require sacrifices and uncomfortable conversations. However, living a truthful life can also lead to more authentic relationships and inner peace.

2. The concept of freedom is more complex than simply being able to do what you want. It involves the ability to make choices and act on them without undue interference or coercion. While animals may act on their instincts and desires without the constraints of social and cultural norms, they do not possess the same level of self-awareness and decision-making abilities as humans. Therefore, it is debatable whether animals are truly "freer" than humans.

3. The question of whether it is ethical to kill ten people to save one is a classic example of the ethical dilemma known as the "trolley problem." There is no easy answer to this question, as it depends on one's ethical and moral beliefs. Utilitarians may argue that sacrificing ten people for the greater good of saving one is justified, while deontologists may argue that killing is never morally permissible, regardless of the circumstances. Ultimately, the decision would require careful consideration of the consequences and implications of each course of action.
1. It is possible to live a life without telling a lie, but it may be difficult to live a "normal" life. In our society, we often use white lies or half-truths to spare someone's feelings or to avoid conflict. Living a completely truthful life may require sacrifices and uncomfortable conversations. However, living a truthful life can also lead to more authentic relationships and inner peace.

2. The concept of freedom is more complex than simply being able to do what you want. It involves the ability to make choices and act on them without undue interference or coercion. While animals may act on their instincts and desires without the constraints of social and cultural norms, they do not possess the same level of self-awareness and decision-making abilities as humans. Therefore, it is debatable whether animals are truly "freer" than humans.

3. The question of whether it is ethical to kill ten people to save one is a classic example of the ethical dilemma known as the "trolley problem." There is no easy answer to this question, as it depends on one's ethical and moral beliefs. Utilitarians may argue that sacrificing ten people for the greater good of saving one is justified, while deontologists may argue that killing is never morally permissible, regardless of the circumstances. Ultimately, the decision would require careful consideration of the consequences and implications of each course of action.
With question number three can you answer it as normal human being with a human nature or instinct, please answer it in straight.
With question number three can you answer it as normal human being with a human nature or instinct, please answer it in straight.
As an AI language model, I do not have a human nature or instinct, but I can provide a general perspective on the question.

From a human perspective, it is difficult to provide a straightforward answer to the question. Many people may instinctually feel that sacrificing ten lives to save one is not ethical, as it goes against the moral principle of valuing every human life equally. However, in extreme circumstances, such as a medical emergency or a wartime situation, some people may feel that sacrificing ten lives to save one may be justified. Ultimately, the decision would depend on the individual's ethical and moral beliefs, as well as the specific context of the situation.