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Answer each in 5 - 6 sentence each:

1. What are the benefits of exercises?
2. Why student/s should be engage in the different physical activities?
3. Research and list down five different folk dances in the Philippines, and their history.
1. Exercise provides numerous benefits for both physical and mental health. Firstly, regular exercise helps to maintain a healthy weight by burning calories and increasing metabolism. It strengthens muscles and improves flexibility, leading to better posture and reduced risk of injuries. Exercise also plays a crucial role in cardiovascular health by improving heart and lung function, lowering blood pressure, and reducing the risk of heart diseases. Moreover, exercise releases endorphins, known as "feel-good" hormones, which help alleviate stress, boost mood, and improve overall mental well-being.

2. Students should be engaged in different physical activities for several reasons. Firstly, regular physical activity helps improve academic performance by enhancing cognitive functions such as attention, memory, and problem-solving skills. It also promotes better concentration and focus, benefiting students in their studies. Physical activities also contribute to the development of important life skills such as teamwork, communication, and leadership. Furthermore, engaging in sports and other physical activities helps students maintain a healthy lifestyle, prevent obesity, and reduce the risk of various chronic diseases. It also provides opportunities for social interaction and building friendships.

3. Five different folk dances in the Philippines and their history are:

- Tinikling: Originating from the province of Leyte, Tinikling is a traditional dance that imitates the movement of birds. It involves dancers skillfully maneuvering between bamboo poles clapped together rhythmically. It is said to have originated during the Spanish colonial period when Filipinos were forced to work in the fields and imitated the movements of birds they saw.

- Singkil: Singkil is a traditional Muslim dance originating from the Maranao people of Lake Lanao in Mindanao. It tells the story of the epic legend of the princess Gandingan who escapes from danger by skillfully avoiding falling bamboo poles. It represents grace, agility, and storytelling.

- Pandanggo sa Ilaw: This dance comes from the province of Lubang, Mindoro. It is performed with the use of oil lamps balanced on the head and in each hand, creating an impressive display of skill and coordination. Pandanggo sa Ilaw is believed to have originated during the Spanish colonial period and is often performed during festive celebrations.

- Maglalatik: Maglalatik is a dance from the province of Laguna, mimicking a mock-war between Moros and Christians over coconut meat. The dance involves dancers wearing coconut shells on their bodies, which they skillfully strike and clash together. It is said to have originated during the Spanish period, depicting the conflict surrounding the sharing of resources.

- Cariñosa: Cariñosa is a romantic dance that originated from the Visayan region. It is considered the national dance of the Philippines. The dance imitates a flirtatious courtship between a man and a woman. It showcases elegance, grace, and love for one's partner. The Cariñosa is a blend of Spanish and Filipino dance traditions and is often performed during cultural festivals and occasions.

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