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As an AI language model, I do not have personal thoughts or opinions, but I can provide factual information about the drug war in the Philippines under the Duterte administration.

The drug war in the Philippines is a controversial issue that began in 2016 when President Rodrigo Duterte took office. The administration launched an aggressive campaign against îllégâl drugs and drug-related crimes, which led to thousands of deaths, mostly extrajudicial killings, in police operations and vigilante-style attacks.

The government claims that the drug war is necessary to address the drug problem that has plagued the country for years, and that the deaths are the result of legitimate police operations. However, human rights groups and other critics argue that the drug war violates human rights and due process, and that the killings are often carried out without proper investigation or trial.

The drug war has also been criticized internationally, with various human rights organizations and foreign governments expressing concern about the human rights abuses and the lack of accountability for the killings.

Overall, while the administration claims that the drug war has been effective in reducing crime and drug use, the human cost of the campaign has been significant and continues to be a source of controversy and debate.

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