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Certainly! Here are ten examples of practices and principles of Ananda Marga:

1. Meditation: Ananda Marga emphasizes the practice of meditation as a way to connect with the divine within oneself and to attain inner peace.

2. Food and diet: Ananda Marga encourages a vegetarian diet as a way to promote physical and mental health, as well as compassion for all living beings.

3. Social service: Ananda Marga believes in serving the community and helping those in need, through programs such as feeding the hungry and providing education and healthcare.

4. Yoga: Ananda Marga promotes the practice of yoga as a way to strengthen the body, calm the mind, and connect with the divine.

5. Spiritual practices: Ananda Marga emphasizes the importance of spiritual practices such as prayer, devotional singing, and studying spiritual texts.

6. Non-violence: Ananda Marga believes in the principle of ahimsa, or non-violence, towards all living beings.

7. Self-realization: Ananda Marga teaches that the ultimate goal of human life is self-realization, or the realization of one's true nature as a divine being.

8. Social equality: Ananda Marga promotes social equality and opposes discrimination based on race, gender, or caste.

9. Environmental protection: Ananda Marga believes in the importance of protecting the environment and living in harmony with nature.

10. Personal discipline: Ananda Marga emphasizes the importance of personal discipline and self-control as a way to achieve spiritual growth and self-realization.

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