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Help Can you arrange the words in this title and make it a quantitative research?

Can you arrange the words in this title and make it a quantitative research: Difficulties and Experiences on online learning of physical education subject of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City.
Title: A Quantitative Study on the Difficulties and Experiences of Selected BPED Students in General Santos City Higher Education Institutions in Online Learning of Physical Education Subject

In this study, the focus will be on the experiences and difficulties faced by BPED students in General Santos City higher education institutions when it comes to online learning of the physical education subject. The research will be quantitative in nature, which means that data will be collected through surveys and analyzed using statistical methods. The purpose of this study is to provide insights on the challenges and experiences of BPED students in online learning and to identify ways to improve the delivery of physical education subject in the online setting.
Title: A Quantitative Study on the Difficulties and Experiences of Selected BPED Students in General Santos City Higher Education Institutions in Online Learning of Physical Education Subject

In this study, the focus will be on the experiences and difficulties faced by BPED students in General Santos City higher education institutions when it comes to online learning of the physical education subject. The research will be quantitative in nature, which means that data will be collected through surveys and analyzed using statistical methods. The purpose of this study is to provide insights on the challenges and experiences of BPED students in online learning and to identify ways to improve the delivery of physical education subject in the online setting.
What i mean can you adjust the title I have give to you and make it a quantitative research title
What i mean can you adjust the title I have give to you and make it a quantitative research title
Yes, I apologize for misunderstanding your previous question.

Revised Title: "An Assessment of the Difficulties and Experiences of BPED Students in General Santos City Higher Education Institutions in Online Learning of Physical Education: A Quantitative Study"

This revised title emphasizes the quantitative nature of the study and includes a clearer assessment of the difficulties and experiences of BPED students in online learning of physical education in General Santos City higher education institutions.
Is this title Difficulties and Experiences on online learning of physical education subject of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City used Quasi Descriptive Correlationanl design in research design?
Based on the information given, it is not clear whether the title "Difficulties and Experiences on online learning of physical education subject of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City" used Quasi Descriptive Correlational design in research design. The title does not explicitly mention the specific research design used in the study.

The research design should be explicitly stated in the methodology section of the study. It is important to know the research design used in a study because it defines the methods and procedures that were employed to carry out the study. The research design also influences the quality and reliability of the findings obtained from the study.
Based on the information given, it is not clear whether the title "Difficulties and Experiences on online learning of physical education subject of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City" used Quasi Descriptive Correlational design in research design. The title does not explicitly mention the specific research design used in the study.

The research design should be explicitly stated in the methodology section of the study. It is important to know the research design used in a study because it defines the methods and procedures that were employed to carry out the study. The research design also influences the quality and reliability of the findings obtained from the study.
So in you what is the better research design should I use in this research
So in your understanding what is the better research design should I use in this research
The selection of the appropriate research design will depend on several factors, such as the research questions, the type of data that will be collected, and the availability of participants. Given that the research topic is about the difficulties and experiences of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City in online learning of physical education subject, a qualitative research design such as phenomenology or case study may be appropriate.

Phenomenology is a qualitative research approach that aims to understand the essence of the experiences of individuals. It involves in-depth interviews with participants to explore their experiences and perspectives on a particular phenomenon. This approach is well-suited for exploring the experiences and perceptions of participants in an online learning setting.

On the other hand, a case study approach involves a detailed examination of a single case or a small number of cases. It is useful for understanding complex issues or situations, and can provide a rich and detailed description of the experiences of a particular group of BPED students in online learning.

Ultimately, the choice of research design will depend on the specific research questions, goals, and objectives of the study. It is important to carefully consider the research design and methodology to ensure that it is appropriate for the research topic and will provide meaningful and valid results.
The selection of the appropriate research design will depend on several factors, such as the research questions, the type of data that will be collected, and the availability of participants. Given that the research topic is about the difficulties and experiences of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City in online learning of physical education subject, a qualitative research design such as phenomenology or case study may be appropriate.

Phenomenology is a qualitative research approach that aims to understand the essence of the experiences of individuals. It involves in-depth interviews with participants to explore their experiences and perspectives on a particular phenomenon. This approach is well-suited for exploring the experiences and perceptions of participants in an online learning setting.

On the other hand, a case study approach involves a detailed examination of a single case or a small number of cases. It is useful for understanding complex issues or situations, and can provide a rich and detailed description of the experiences of a particular group of BPED students in online learning.

Ultimately, the choice of research design will depend on the specific research questions, goals, and objectives of the study. It is important to carefully consider the research design and methodology to ensure that it is appropriate for the research topic and will provide meaningful and valid results.
But in getting the respondents in this study is only was only percent of the the students in higher education institutions.
But in getting the respondents in this study is only was only percent of the the students in higher education institutions.
If the sample size is only a fraction of the population, it is important to ensure that the sample is representative of the population. This means that the sample should be selected in a way that accurately reflects the characteristics of the population.

One way to address this issue is to use a random sampling method, where participants are randomly selected from the population. For example, if the population consists of all BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City, a random sample can be selected from this population so that each student has an equal chance of being selected.

Another way to address this issue is to use purposive sampling, where participants are selected based on specific criteria that are relevant to the research question. For example, in the case of the study on difficulties and experiences of BPED students in online learning of physical education subject, the sample can be selected based on specific criteria such as their level of engagement in the online learning process, their prior experience with online learning, or their academic performance in the subject.

Regardless of the sampling method used, it is important to ensure that the sample size is adequate and that the data collected is analyzed using appropriate statistical methods to ensure the validity and reliability of the findings.
Based on the information given, it is not clear whether the title "Difficulties and Experiences on online learning of physical education subject of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City" used Quasi Descriptive Correlational design in research design. The title does not explicitly mention the specific research design used in the study.

The research design should be explicitly stated in the methodology section of the study. It is important to know the research design used in a study because it defines the methods and procedures that were employed to carry out the study. The research design also influences the quality and reliability of the findings obtained from the study.
So can you suggest me a good research design for this study?
Can you suggest me what proper research design should I use to this title Difficulties and Experiences on online learning of physical education subject of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City. With explanation why

Based on your research title, you may consider using a mixed-method research design. This will allow you to gather both quantitative and qualitative data from your participants, providing a more comprehensive understanding of their experiences with online learning in physical education.

Here are some specific steps you might consider taking:

1. Conduct a survey - create a questionnaire that will measure the level of difficulties that the BPED students are experiencing in online learning. You can include Likert scale questions to measure their level of agreement or disagreement with specific statements.

2. Conduct interviews - in-depth interviews will allow you to gather detailed information on the experiences of the BPED students with online learning. You can ask follow-up questions based on their responses to the survey, and use open-ended questions to explore their perspectives.

3. Select participants - identify a sample of BPED students from different higher education institutions in General Santos City.

4. Analyze data - use quantitative methods such as descriptive statistics to analyze the survey data, and thematic analysis to analyze the interview data. This will help you to identify common themes and patterns in the data.

5. Draw conclusions - based on your analysis of the data, draw conclusions about the difficulties and experiences of the BPED students with online learning in physical education. You can also make recommendations for improvements in online learning for future students.
Based on your research title, you may consider using a mixed-method research design. This will allow you to gather both quantitative and qualitative data from your participants, providing a more comprehensive understanding of their experiences with online learning in physical education.

Here are some specific steps you might consider taking:

1. Conduct a survey - create a questionnaire that will measure the level of difficulties that the BPED students are experiencing in online learning. You can include Likert scale questions to measure their level of agreement or disagreement with specific statements.

2. Conduct interviews - in-depth interviews will allow you to gather detailed information on the experiences of the BPED students with online learning. You can ask follow-up questions based on their responses to the survey, and use open-ended questions to explore their perspectives.

3. Select participants - identify a sample of BPED students from different higher education institutions in General Santos City.

4. Analyze data - use quantitative methods such as descriptive statistics to analyze the survey data, and thematic analysis to analyze the interview data. This will help you to identify common themes and patterns in the data.

5. Draw conclusions - based on your analysis of the data, draw conclusions about the difficulties and experiences of the BPED students with online learning in physical education. You can also make recommendations for improvements in online learning for future students.
So what is the proper design for this research?
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Can you make me what proper research design should I use to this title Difficulties and Experiences on online learning of physical education subject of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City.
Certainly! Based on the title you provided, it seems that you are interested in exploring the difficulties and experiences of a specific group of students (selected BPED students) in online learning of physical education subject in higher education institutions of General Santos City. Here are some suggested steps for developing a research design for your study:

1. Determine your research questions and objectives: Before you can design your study, it's important to clearly define what you want to investigate. Based on your title, you might consider questions like:

  • What are the specific difficulties that BPED students in General Santos City experience in online learning of physical education?
  • What are the common experiences of BPED students in General Santos City with online learning of physical education subject?
  • How do BPED students in General Santos City perceive the effectiveness of online learning of physical education?

2. Choose your research design: Once you have your research questions and objectives, you can choose a research design that best fits your study. Based on your title, a qualitative research design might be appropriate, as it allows you to gather in-depth insights and understanding about the experiences and difficulties of your sample. You may also consider using a mixed-methods research design, which combines both qualitative and quantitative data collection.

3. Determine your sampling strategy: In order to gather insights from BPED students in General Santos City, you will need to determine your sampling strategy. You may consider using purposive sampling to select a specific group of BPED students who are enrolled in higher education institutions in General Santos City.

4. Choose your data collection methods: Qualitative research design often uses methods like interviews, focus groups, or observations to collect data. For your study, you may consider using interviews or focus group discussions (FGDs) to gather insights about the difficulties and experiences of BPED students with online learning of physical education. You can also use survey questionnaires to supplement and quantify the findings from the interviews or FGDs.

5. Analyze your data and draw conclusions: Once you have collected your data, you will need to analyze it and draw conclusions. Qualitative data analysis often involves identifying themes and patterns in the data, while quantitative data can be analyzed using descriptive or inferential statistics.

6. Report your findings: Finally, you will need to report your findings in a clear and concise manner. You may consider organizing your report in sections such as introduction, methodology, data analysis, results and discussion, and conclusion.

Overall, the design of your study will depend on your research questions and objectives, as well as the characteristics of your sample and your available resources. By following these steps, you can create a solid research design that will help you investigate the difficulties and experiences of BPED students in online learning of physical education subject in General Santos City.
Certainly! Based on the title you provided, it seems that you are interested in exploring the difficulties and experiences of a specific group of students (selected BPED students) in online learning of physical education subject in higher education institutions of General Santos City. Here are some suggested steps for developing a research design for your study:

1. Determine your research questions and objectives: Before you can design your study, it's important to clearly define what you want to investigate. Based on your title, you might consider questions like:

  • What are the specific difficulties that BPED students in General Santos City experience in online learning of physical education?
  • What are the common experiences of BPED students in General Santos City with online learning of physical education subject?
  • How do BPED students in General Santos City perceive the effectiveness of online learning of physical education?

2. Choose your research design: Once you have your research questions and objectives, you can choose a research design that best fits your study. Based on your title, a qualitative research design might be appropriate, as it allows you to gather in-depth insights and understanding about the experiences and difficulties of your sample. You may also consider using a mixed-methods research design, which combines both qualitative and quantitative data collection.

3. Determine your sampling strategy: In order to gather insights from BPED students in General Santos City, you will need to determine your sampling strategy. You may consider using purposive sampling to select a specific group of BPED students who are enrolled in higher education institutions in General Santos City.

4. Choose your data collection methods: Qualitative research design often uses methods like interviews, focus groups, or observations to collect data. For your study, you may consider using interviews or focus group discussions (FGDs) to gather insights about the difficulties and experiences of BPED students with online learning of physical education. You can also use survey questionnaires to supplement and quantify the findings from the interviews or FGDs.

5. Analyze your data and draw conclusions: Once you have collected your data, you will need to analyze it and draw conclusions. Qualitative data analysis often involves identifying themes and patterns in the data, while quantitative data can be analyzed using descriptive or inferential statistics.

6. Report your findings: Finally, you will need to report your findings in a clear and concise manner. You may consider organizing your report in sections such as introduction, methodology, data analysis, results and discussion, and conclusion.

Overall, the design of your study will depend on your research questions and objectives, as well as the characteristics of your sample and your available resources. By following these steps, you can create a solid research design that will help you investigate the difficulties and experiences of BPED students in online learning of physical education subject in General Santos City.
I choose mixed method research design, can you suggest me some question that I can put in my Statement of the Problem.
I choose mixed method research design, can you suggest me some question that I can put in my Statement of the Problem.
Yes, here are some questions that you might include in your statement of the problem for a mixed-methods research design:

1. What are the specific difficulties that selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City experience in online learning of physical education subject?
2. What are the common experiences of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City with online learning of physical education subject?
3. How do selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City perceive the effectiveness of online learning of physical education?
4. What are the factors that contribute to the difficulties and experiences of selected BPED students with online learning of physical education subject?
5. How do the difficulties and experiences of selected BPED students with online learning of physical education subject vary across different demographic variables (e.g. gender, age, academic performance)?

These questions will guide your data collection and analysis, and will help you to explore both the strengths and limitations of online learning of physical education for BPED students in General Santos City. Remember to keep your research questions broad enough to encompass a range of perspectives, but also specific enough to guide your research design and data analysis.
Yes, here are some questions that you might include in your statement of the problem for a mixed-methods research design:

1. What are the specific difficulties that selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City experience in online learning of physical education subject?
2. What are the common experiences of selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City with online learning of physical education subject?
3. How do selected BPED students in higher education institutions of General Santos City perceive the effectiveness of online learning of physical education?
4. What are the factors that contribute to the difficulties and experiences of selected BPED students with online learning of physical education subject?
5. How do the difficulties and experiences of selected BPED students with online learning of physical education subject vary across different demographic variables (e.g. gender, age, academic performance)?

These questions will guide your data collection and analysis, and will help you to explore both the strengths and limitations of online learning of physical education for BPED students in General Santos City. Remember to keep your research questions broad enough to encompass a range of perspectives, but also specific enough to guide your research design and data analysis.
Can you suggest me some 2016 above statement of some authors that supports every question you give?

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