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Closed Peter khoury & alien hair 20 years on

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Aug 29, 2014
Bill Chalker shared AUFORN News and Sightings's photo.
In this issue I have written a feature article Peter Khoury And The Hair Of The Alien - 20 years on
2012 marked a fascinating anniversary of a shocking, controversial and extraordinary experience, which drew me into a ground breaking investigation and a potential breakthrough research direction.
The Peter Khoury experience played out in suburban Sydney Australia is an extraordinary breakthrough alien abduction case that yielded a remarkable clue supporting the enduring idea that UFOs and alien abduction claims might represent credible evidence for alien intervention into human affairs, at an extraordinary and deep level. The clue led to fascinating evidence in the UFO haunted southern Chinese province of Yunnan.
The Lahu people, via the DNA clue from the Khoury hair sample, may be connected with the apparent "Nordic hybrid" being, both through their DNA and their locality, which we found to be rich in UFO and unusual light phenomena. These investigations dramatically consolidated valuable UFO data from China, particularly in the province of Yunnan.
In my 2005 book Hair Of The Alien I focused on a DNA forensic approach to alien abduction evidence. While prominence is given to the Peter Khoury "alien hair" case from Sydney Australia, other cases and experiences from around the world are also examined. My primary focus was to promote a forensic scientific approach to examining the alien abduction controversy, concentrating on the DNA approach where compelling biological evidence was available.
The DNA found in the strange hair sample implicated in the alien abduction experience of Peter Khoury had a striking array of DNA anomalies. Until the "Hair of the Alien" evidence came along the claims that alien abductions might involve hybrid beings was just unsubstantiated speculation. Now evidence had been revealed that may support such a bizarre scenario. Its not conclusive evidence, but it is enough of a potent breakthrough to argue that the research direction it inspired is a very worthwhile hypothesis to pursue. I have created a blog site that focuses on this fascinating area. I have put an introductory essay up on the site =96 "The Alien DNA Paradigm =96 an introduction" at:
You can assist this long term effort with information and material that may support the work. It may just help define our place in the universe.
The most profound legacy of Peter Khoury=92s 1992 experience for me is that a courageous person allowed a scientifically based DNA investigation to test the validity of his experience and the exotic biological evidence it yielded. That scrutiny did not invalidate Peter Khoury=92s experience, nor did it prove the existence of aliens. It did however provide extraordinary evidence that suggests that something extremely strange had occurred and that ultimately an alien DNA paradigm is a hypothesis worth pursuing. Thank you Peter, for providing the spark that ignited what has been for me an extraordinary investigation and an incredible journey.
[Don't miss this issue of Ufologist out now. Last issue for the year, revisiting the Peter Khoury case 20 years on, hollow earth theory, eastern UFO flap and also articles from Bill Chalker, Daniel Sims, George Simpson, Dave Reneke and much more. See:
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Volume 16 - No.2 July - August 2012
Source: Bill Chalker's The Oz Files Blog
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Sunday, July 29, 2012
Peter Khoury And The Hair Of The Alien - 20 Years On
The past week marked a fascinating anniversary of an extraordinary experience which drew me into a groundbreaking investigation and a potential breakthrough research direction.
Peter Khoury had a bizarre experience on July 23, 1992, in Sydney, Australia. He had a shattering experience on July 12, 1988, which he was ultimately able to understand as an alien abduction. It changed his life. He would go on to help others who had similar experiences by establishing the UFO Experience Support Association (UFOESA). But nothing prepared him for the July 1992 episode. It was so shocking that Peter would only share the experience with his wife and a few close associates.
The July 1992 incident had yielded a remarkable piece of evidence - a hair sample apparently from a blonde "nordic" entity. I was able to work with a biochemistry team which would provide the world's first DNA analysis of a biological sample implicated in an alien abduction experience. The team wanted to see if the sample provided forensic DNA evidence that might support the extraordinary story. It did far more than that.
The evidence secured by Peter Khoury with his July 1992 experience enabled breakthrough research which has led to a focus on research into the hypothesis of intelligent alien intervention in the evolution of human DNA - the Alien DNA paradigm.
An image based tour through this extraordinary case, its investigation, and its amazing implications is provided here to mark the 20 year anniversary of Peter Khoury's shocking, controversial and unprecedented experience.
(The following article appeared in the 2011 special issue of New Dawn Magazine)
An Alien DNA paradigm?
by Bill Chalker
A remarkable clue supporting the enduring idea that UFOs and alien abduction claims might represent credible evidence for alien intervention into human affairs, at an extraordinary and deep level, may have been found in the UFO haunted southern Chinese province of Yunnan. As part of a developing hypothesis I call the alien DNA paradigm, a form of intelligent alien intervention may have occurred in us as humans on planet Earth. We are very primitively tinkering with modifying life forms through transgenics and the like, therefore the idea that someone out there might already have been doing it elsewhere, maybe even here, may not seem so far out.
Evidence for this may also be found in human DNA signatures, particularly among those indigenous cultures that have potent claims of "sky being" lore and land rich in long historical focuses of UFO activity. An extraordinary breakthrough alien abduction case from the other side of the world =96 right here in the middle of Sydney =96 had me to pursuing some very strange clues through Asia to Yunnan, China, leading to the hypothesis of the alien DNA paradigm through a long and complex 4 phase investigation.
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