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Honorary Poster
Aug 29, 2017

There are factors that we must consider about the reason of earth's destruction.

After reading this article you would know the plausible reason of earth's destruction.

Is the earth will end because of War?

Will nature cast down big ball of fire?

Or would it be ice? Will the world be covered with ice?

Planet Earth ceases to exist as an orbital body

The Sun nears the end of its stellar cycle (A complete shutdown of the sun), the sun already grown to an enormous size and will eventually swallow the earth. This will happen, but is about 4-5 billion years out.

A massive impact shatters the Earth, this would require a body larger than Mars (the Earth already survived a Mars-size impact, which created the Moon). Extremely unlikely, since all large bodies in our solar system are in stable orbits.

The effect of destruction of the sun will shatter the earth, this would require a body larger than mars (Earth surpass the an impact with a same size as mars that created the moon). Extremely unlikely, since all large bodies in our solar system are in stable orbits.

A rogue star or large planet enters our system and catapults the Earth out of orbit of the Sun. We have a pretty good bead on nearby star systems, none are coming near us, and this is extremely unlikely anyway.

All life on planet Earth is extinguished

An unprecedented giant solar flare vaporizes the surface of the Earth. While dangerous solar flares are a reality, our Sun is very stable and this is unlikely to occur.

A huge comet 5 times the size of the one that killed the dinosaurs impacts the Earth causing an extinction event. Note that it would have to be extremely large to kill all life. Even with the largest known comet, some microbial life would still survive. Note that I say comet, not asteroid. There are no asteroids in our Solar System capable of causing a total extinction, but there are millions of unknown comets.

The human race is wiped out

Now we're getting into more plausible territory. A much smaller comet or asteroid would be entirely capable of wiping out the human race. There is precedent with the dinosaur killer, and while some humans might survive with enough warning, civilization would most assuredly be over for at least a thousand years.

A human created genetically engineered plague could kill everyone. It would have to be genetically engineered. Nature is crafty enough not to create diseases that wipe out their hosts entirely. Even with a 100% fatality rate for infections, the chances of a total extinction are low. Some humans, properly quarantined would likely survive.

An "apocalypse"

This is commonly understood as the "end of the world", but doesn't mean the extinction of our species or even permanent damage to the Earth's ecosystems. Generally it means the end of the world as we know it, the destruction of civilization on a global scale. There are too many scenarios to list here, but some examples might be:

Large scale nuclear war or EMP attack
An extremely virulent plague
Moderate asteroid or comet impact
Runaway global warming or other environmental catastrophe
Super-volcano eruption and of course, alien invasion!

All in all, the human race is in pretty good shape. We're highly adaptable, and so there's an extremely low risk of us being wiped out entirely.
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