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Honorary Poster
Aug 29, 2017


Sars, Bird Flu, Mallaria, AH1 N1 Flu. Zica Virus etc.. there had been a lot of illness that plague the earth. These viruses caused horrors to those who have been affected, and to those who lost their loved ones due to these diseases. But History suggest that the most horrifying illness among all would be "the plague" or "the black death."

The plague is caused by a bacteria called "yersina pestis" causing serious swelling as big as an apple in some parts of the body with a blood dripping down on it, dying flesh turning black followed by fever, chills, vommitting, diarrhea, severe aches and pain. and in short order death.

The plague have claimed millions of lives in Europe during the middle ages. It was called black death due to the dying flesh turning into black and to the horrors it brings to the human race. It is said to be originated in Central Asia in the early 1340s where its already claiming lives of its victims such as in China, India, Persia and Egypt, carving its deadly path through the trade routes, such as the silk road.

Caffa (small and fortified city along the black sea) were on the attack of the italian merchants but Locals from the city seek help from the mongol army. Unknowingly the army is already affected by the plague and so many soldiers died that they were forced to call off its one year old seige in Caffa, but before leaving the city. Mongol prince order to put the plague affected body into a catapault and hurled inside the wall of Caffa were the Italian merchant celebrates their victory against them. Few days after water supply have been infected and people begun to die, Italian merchants tried to escape back to Italy with their trade ships.

Unknown to them rats being infected by the bacteria was able to climb into their ships. They sail through the mediterannean trying to dock into different ports, but being rejected as port masters notice the sailors begun to die. And in 1347 their tradeships anchored in port of Messina in Sicilly, port masters tried to isolate the ships, but it was too late, horrified by the scene in the ships masters immediately asked the ships to leave the port due to the death of its crew, but the short encounter was enough for the plague to crawl back in land and begin its deadly outbreak in Europe.

Everyday 700 to 800 people are being killed. Cutting a third of Europe's population through its 5 year course. Doctors during the black death were totaly unequipped with the medical knowledge on how to cure the plague. Most of them treat patients in an unthinkable way of treating an illness such as drinking the patients own urine, eating chopped snakes, boil-lancing Until then no doctor were able to find a cure and most of them decided to refused meeting with any patient Priest also refused to do a last rite for the victims. Most of the healthy people during the plague do their best to escape inhabiting country sides. Little do they know that animals with them were also infected.

People were totaly overwhelmed and were not able to comprehend the reality of the black death to such extent they treat it as God's Punishment to their sins, thus leading to the murder of troublemakers and sinners. Thousands of jews were also murdered from 1348 to 1349, to win God's forgiveness.some of the upper class members joined a public display of penance and punishment for 33 and 1/2 days, beating themselves 3 times a day.

After its 5 years deadly course in Europe, Black death occasional appearing centuries after still claiming lives. By the 17th century Doctors who tried to cure the plague wore "the plague mask" a beak mask full of herbs on its long and pointed nose together with a coat, gloves and a stick pointer to examine the body without the doctor touching it. A safety suit for them to avoid being infected. The plague had said to reduce the Earth's population from 450 Million down to 370 Million at that time. and it takes 150 years for the population to get back.

Photo Credit: Google images


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