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Help D!sc0rd BOT MUSIC YøùTùbé LINK

Presko HTRB

Honorary Poster
Feb 6, 2023
How to make #forbidden# bot music using YøùTùbé link for music.
To create a #forbidden# bot that can play music from a YøùTùbé link, you can follow these steps:

1. Set up a bot in #forbidden#: You can create a bot in #forbidden# Developer Portal and add it to your server. You will need to generate a token for the bot and invite it to your server.

2. Install the required packages: You will need to install two packages: #forbidden#.js and ytdl-core. You can install these packages using npm in the command prompt or terminal.

3. Create a command handler: You can use a command handler to handle user commands. For example, you can create a command "!play {YøùTùbé Link}" to play the music.

4. Use ytdl-core to extract the audio stream: You can use ytdl-core to extract the audio stream from the YøùTùbé link. You can then play the audio stream using the VoiceConnection and AudioPlayer classes from #forbidden#.js.

5. Optional: Add more commands: You can add more commands to your bot, such as "!stop", "!skip", and "!queue" to control the music player.

Overall, creating a #forbidden# bot that can play music from a YøùTùbé link requires some programming knowledge, but there are many tutorials and examples available online that can help you get started.