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answering part A

groupadd [OPTIONS] GROUPNAME For example to create a group named mygroup with GID of 1010 you would type: groupadd -g 1010 mygroup getent group | grep mygroup mygroup:x:1010: If a group with the given GID already exist, you will get the following error: groupadd: GID '1010' already exists #!/bin/bash cat /etc/group | cut -f1 -d":" | sort -n | uniq -c | while read x ; do [ -z "${x}" ] && break set - $x if [ $1 -gt 1 ]; then gids=gawk -F: '($1 == n) { print $3 }' n=$2 /etc/group | xargs echo "Duplicate Group Name ($2): ${gids}" fi done or to check group exisits or not . read -p "enter group name: " group if grep -q $group /etc/group then echo "group exists" else echo "group does not exist" groupadd [OPTIONS] GROUPNAME --admin f


[XX='gemmar, c: 501807, m: 386058'][/XX]
1. The six decision making steps are as follows:

(a). Define the Problem: The town planning board has to make a big decision regarding what must be done to the Kendall Elementary school building, since the school has been closed from past 20 years.

(b). Identify decision Criteria: The town planning board may either renew the lease or renegotiate the lease and solicit other tenants or use the building for additional town office space or sell the building to private developers or covert it for state's affairs or breaking the building and selling the site.

(c). Weight the criteria: Leasing would generate steady cash flow and free the town of buliding maintainance expenses, using the building as additional office space can help in reconversion to a school in future, a suitable private developer is hard to be found who can pay appropriate amount of money for the building, breaking the building and selling the plot would be loss of built in asset which can be used for other purposes.

(d). Generate Alternatives: The town planning board may ask to restart Kendall elementary school as this amy help the students for their elementary education.

(e). Rate each alternatives on each criterion: Renewing the current lease aggreement would be a hassle free process. Renegotiating the lease and soliciting other tenents would be a time consuming process, using the building for office space and then again reconverting it into school can be a quite hectic task, getting a suitable private developer for selling the building is hard to e found, Razing the building and selling the plot may lead to loss of property which could be used for other work.

(f). Compute the optimal decision: The best decision would be to renew the current lease as it would ensure steady cash flow and also free up the town from the maintainance expenses of the building.

2. In making decision, the town planning board may pursue the objectives of revenue generation, optimal utilisation of un-used property, avoiding unnecessary overhead expenses of dealing with the property and also freeing itself from the maintainance expenses.

3. The planning board may require the information regarding the long term plannings of the non profit organisation, time period for which the lease has to be renewed and also the mutual consent of both the parties.

4. The board may analyse the physical condition of the building and its suitability for leasing purpose, financial condition of the non profit organisation and its capability to pay the lease fee and maintainance expenses.
the formula you need to use is:

Rate of return on stock = risk free rate + ( Expected return on market - risk free rate) * Beta

Rate of return on stock = .06 + (.13 - .06) * .7
Rate of return on stock = .0649 or 6.49%
Based on CAPM equation, according to which:

Required Return = Risk free rate + Beta * Market risk ρrémíùm

a) 11% = 7% + (Beta * 4%)

4% = Beta * 4%

Beta = 1.0

b) Required return = 7% + 1 * 6%

Required Return = 13%
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