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Future development for physical education, exercise science and sports is going to be very fast and wide.

In today's modern era, our life style that is full of gadgets, internet, social media and passive activities, tendency toward drug addiction, has become a challenging. It is very difficult to stay fit and healthy in both the ways physically and mentally.

For holistic development of kid, student and adults, sports and other physical activities have been proposed for a very long time. Like Olympic Games, Chess are very ancient games. In addition, modern games like cricket, football, badminton, and hockey are organised by big federations like FIFA, ICC etc.

Now YOGA is an international physical activity, which is advised to be performed every day to stay active, healthy and mentally alert with great peace & high level of concentration.

Governments of all the countries are more concerned about the health & modern health problems of people. They are planning about such physical activities at large scale at school and college levels.

Therefore, we can say that in future, there is a lot to be done in the field of physical education & sports like making such activities compulsory for every student or for everyone to participate. So that a good and healthy nation and hence a healthy world can be made. Sports, physical education and meditation can help people to stay away from drugs, depression and other mental and physical health problems. So future development is tremendously high for such activities.


Question: Describe events that served as catalysts for the growth of physical education, exercise science, and sport and events that served as deterrents to the growth of physical education, exercise science, and sport throughout history.


The events that served as a catalyst to the growth of Physical education, exercise science, and sports include the discovery of the importance of sports and physical activities to humans and human characteristics. Also, how the public embraced sports as a form of entertainment and competition when television was invented also are one of the reasons why physical education and sports science has grown and developed exponentially.

On the other hand, the events that slowed down the development of physical education, sports science and includes global events such as wars and other catastrophic events such as calamities and natural disasters. For a while, the focus of the public was diverted to more important matters such as safety and survival. So, the interest towards sports or sports media somehow declined. As a result, the studies to develop and further improve this specific field was not focused and was temporarily deterred.

Throughout history, sports have played a variety of important functions in society as a form of recreation; preparation for war or the hunt; or later, as a substitute for war. Sports have undergone many changes; some have stayed much the same, while others have adapted with the times. New sports are always being invented and developed in each era like Sports In Ancient Times, Medieval Sports, Industrial Revolution and 20th Century

One of the most significant developments is the growth of televised sports. Sports will continue to change and develop in the future as technology progresses. The standard of sports has continued to be influenced by social change, commercialization, media, sponsorship, government, and education.
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