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Stephen Hawking Once Threw a Party for Time Travelers

In 2009 the theoretical physicist prepared canapés, champagne and a giant banner with the words "Welcome, Time Travelers" in hopes that any actual time traveler from the future might come back in time to attend. Sadly, no one showed up.
The Catholic Church Has Been Okay With Evolution Since 1950

While evolution is often characterized as being antithetical to Biblical teachings, the Catholic Church recognized Darwinian evolution going back to Pope Pius XII in 1950.
During a dark time in the actress' younger days, she contemplated suicide but thought it might be easier on her family to have her life taken by someone else. So, as she told an interviewer in 2001, she hired a hitman who urged her to think about it for a month before going ahead with it. She thought better of it and decided against going through with the plan.
The Swimming Pool Aboard the Titanic Is Still Full

Bad joke. But the ship did have an impressive six-foot-deep, heated salt-water swimming pool for both swim workouts and spa-style relaxation.
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