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Help Any Tutorial how to config ruijie ew1200g Pro to vlan

To configure VLAN on the Ruijie EW1200G Pro, you need to follow these steps:

1. Connect to the Ruijie EW1200G Pro: You can connect to the device using a web browser. Open your preferred web browser and enter the default IP address of the Ruijie EW1200G Pro (usually into the address bar. Press Enter.

2. Login to the device: Enter the default username and password (if you haven't changed them) to log in. The default username is usually "admin" and the default password is "admin" or "password". Click on the Login button.

3. Navigate to the VLAN configuration page: Once logged in, look for the Network or VLAN settings page. The location of this page may vary depending on the firmware version of your Ruijie EW1200G Pro. It is typically found under the Network or Advanced settings section.

4. Create VLANs: On the VLAN configuration page, you should see an option to create VLANs. Click on the Add button to create a new VLAN. Give it a name and assign a VLAN ID. Repeat this step to create as many VLANs as required.

5. Assign VLANs to ports: After creating VLANs, you need to assign them to specific ports. On the VLAN configuration page, you should see a table with a list of ports. Select the port you want to configure and choose the VLAN you want to assign to it. Save the changes.

6. Configure VLAN tagging: If you have devices that support VLAN tagging, you may need to enable VLAN tagging on those devices. VLAN tagging allows the VLAN information to be included in the Ethernet frames. This step is optional if your devices do not support VLAN tagging.

7. Test the VLAN configuration: Once you have completed the configuration, you can test the VLAN setup by connecting devices to the respective VLAN-assigned ports. Verify that devices in different VLANs cannot communicate with each other, while devices in the same VLAN can communicate.

Note: The above steps are a general guideline and may vary slightly depending on the firmware version or specific model of the Ruijie EW1200G Pro. It is recommended to consult the device's user manual or contact Ruijie support for further assistance with the VLAN configuration process.

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