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Tutorial 11 Soft Skills Every Employee Will Need in The Age of Artificial Intelligence


Forum Expert
Aug 5, 2016
11 Soft Skills Every Employee will need in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

1. Al literacy:

*Develop a basic understanding of Al and its applications.
  • Stay informed about Al trends and breakthroughs.
  • Learn to work alongside Al-driven systems.

2. Human-Al collaboration:

  • Understand the strengths and limitations of Al.
  • Utilize Al to complement human skills and abilities.
  • Foster effective communication and teamwork between humans
and Al.

3. Creative problem solving:

  • Approach challenges with an open mind.
  • Explore unconventional solutions that combine human and Al
* Develop new strategies for leveraging Al in problem-solving.

4. Complex decision-making:

  • Make informed choices in an Al-driven environment.
  • Weigh the ethical implications of Al-enabled decisions.
  • Balance human and Al inputs to optimize outcomes.

5. Curiosity-driven exploration:

* Cultivate a genuine curiosity for Al-driven advancements across
* Develop a habit of exploring new Al applications and their
potential impact on your field.
* Use your curiosity to drive innovation and create novel solutions.

6. Change management:

  • Adapt to the rapid shifts caused by Al advancements.
  • Help others navigate change and uncertainty.
« Create a culture of agility and resilience.

7. Ethical use of Al:

  • Understand the ethical considerations surrounding Al.
  • Promote responsible Al deployment and usage.
  • Advocate for fairness, transparency, and accountability in Al

8. Cross-disciplinary communication:

  • Communicate effectively with professionals from various fields.
  • Bridge the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Facilitate collaboration between Al experts and other team

9. Cognitive flexibility:

  • Be open to learning from Al-driven insights.
  • Adjust your thinking to consider new information and
* Adapt your strategies and plans in response to Al-generated data.

10. Innovation mindset:

  • Embrace Al as a catalyst for new ideas and possibilities.
  • Encourage experimentation and risk-taking.
  • Drive innovation by combining human creativity with Al

11. Future-proofing skills:

* Continuously develop relevant skills in the face of Al
  • Identify areas where human expertise is most valuable.
  • Engage in lifelong learning to stay ahead of Al-driven disruptions.