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Help What website I can upload and share the link to a friend for him/her to download


Hi. I have audio files but my friend is far away.
I cant send it through gmail because its more than 25 mb. around 200-300mb each file.

In case she needs it for her work.
I need to send it to her. but i dont know the means to send that file to her since there's a limit po.

Hope someone can help.
Hi there! I understand your dilemma of not being able to send large audio files through email due to size limitations. Fortunately, there are several websites that allow you to upload and share files with your friend. Here are a few options for you to consider:

1. Dropbox: Dropbox is a popular file hosting service that allows you to upload and share files of any size. You can create a free account, upload your audio files to your Dropbox folder, and generate a shareable link that you can send to your friend via email or any other messaging platform. Your friend can then use the link to download the files.

2. Google Drive: Google Drive is another reliable option for sharing large files. If you have a Google account, you can upload your audio files to your Google Drive storage and share them with your friend by generating a shareable link. Your friend will be able to access and download the files using the provided link.

3. WeTransfer: WeTransfer is a file transfer service that allows you to send files up to 2GB for free. Simply visit wetransfer.com, select your audio files, enter your friend's email address, and click "Transfer." WeTransfer will then upload the files and send your friend an email with a download link. Keep in mind that the link will expire after a certain period of time, so make sure your friend downloads the files in a timely manner.

4. MediaFire: MediaFire is a file hosting and sharing service that offers both free and ρrémíùm plans. With a free account, you can upload files up to 10GB in size and share them with others by generating download links. You can send the generated link to your friend, and they will be able to download the audio files from there.

These are just a few options to get you started. Each of these websites has its own features and limitations, so you may want to explore them further to see which one suits your needs best. I hope this helps, and good luck sharing your audio files with your friend!