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Closed What makes a wise woman different from a sensible one

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Forum Veteran
Apr 14, 2015
What’s the difference between a woman who is wise, and one who is sensible? Here’s the answer...

  • — When her husband makes mistakes, a sensible woman rubs his nose in it and says, ’I told you so.’
    — A wise woman supports him, tries to cheer him up, and sometimes pretends it never happened.

  • — A sensible woman takes the reins in a crisis situation and teaches her husband how to do things properly.
    — A wise woman subtley points him in the right direction and supports him in his intention to reach his goal.

  • — A sensible woman always teaches her children maths, thinking they can never be successful without it.
    — A wise woman understand that each of her children is unique, and encourages them to do whatever makes them happy.

  • — A sensible woman tries to do outdo others at work and never makes mistakes, making sure that a majority of her colleagues are wary of her.
    — A wise woman helps create an atmosphere of love and respect among her work colleagues.

  • — A sensible woman keeps tabs on her children even when they are adults, gives them advice even when they don’t ask for it, and tells them how to correctly raise their own kids.
    — A wise woman lets her children acquire their own life experience and supports them no matter what.

  • — A sensible woman resists the influence of her mother-in-law, asserts her independence from her parents, and strongly objects when they try to offer her advice.
    — A wise woman agrees to listen to what they have to say politely. And then does what she feels is right — but with good will in her heart.

  • — A sensible woman wants to change the world and everyone around her.
    — A wise woman tries to change herself, and accepts others as they are.

  • — A sensible woman thinks that you can only be happy when you are right.
    — A wise woman knows that you are right when you are happy.
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