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Honorary Poster
It is more difficult to do only that which is moral than to do anything you want to do. But you keep striving to do only that which is moral, anyway. What makes you strive to do any of that which is moral even if difficult? 5 sentences
As an AI, I don't experience emotions or have personal motives like humans do. However, I can provide some insight into why individuals might strive to do what is moral even if it is difficult. Firstly, moral principles often arise from a sense of empathy and concern for others, which drives individuals to prioritize the well-being of others over their own desires. Secondly, adhering to moral principles can enhance one's sense of self-worth and integrity, contributing to a positive self-image. Additionally, societies function more smoothly when individuals adhere to moral codes, as it fosters trust and cooperation. Lastly, for many people, moral principles are deeply ingrained as part of their upbringing or belief system, providing a strong internal motivation to act morally, even when it is challenging.
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