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Plugin Test of CHATGPT

El Rancho Corned Beef

Forum Veteran
May 6, 2016
# Write me an article about the latest test plugin feature of CHATGPT

If you are a fan of ChatGPT, the generative AI chatbot powered by OpenAI, you might be interested in the latest feature that the company has introduced: plugins. Plugins are tools that allow ChatGPT to access up-to-date information, run computations, or use third-party services. In this article, we will explain what plugins are, how they work, and what are some of the benefits and challenges of using them.

## What are plugins?

Plugins are extensions that enhance the capabilities of ChatGPT by allowing it to interact with external sources of data or functionality. For example, a plugin can enable ChatGPT to search for flights, book restaurants, order groceries, or learn a new language. Plugins are designed specifically for language models with safety as a core principle, and help ChatGPT avoid common problems such as hallucinations, outdated information, or lack of access to proprietary or personal data sources.

Plugins are built by third-party developers who want to integrate their services or applications with ChatGPT. OpenAI provides documentation and guidelines for creating and hosting plugins, as well as a marketplace where users can discover and enable plugins for their chat sessions. Some of the initial plugins that have been created by third-party providers include Expedia, FiscalNote, Instacart, KAYAK, Klarna, Milo, OpenTable, Shopify, Slack, Speak, Wolfram, and Zapier.

OpenAI also hosts two plugins itself: a web browser and a code interpreter. The web browser plugin allows ChatGPT to retrieve the latest information from the internet by performing web searches. The code interpreter plugin allows ChatGPT to write and execute Python code in a sandboxed environment.

## How do plugins work?

Plugins work by adding additional information to the prompt that is shown to ChatGPT before it generates a response. The prompt includes a list of enabled plugins and their documentation, which instructs ChatGPT how to use each plugin. For example, if a user enables the Expedia plugin, the prompt will include something like this:

Bring your trip plans to life—get there, stay there, find things to see and do.
To use this plugin, type "Expedia:" followed by your query.
For example:
Expedia: Find flights from New York to London
Expedia: Book a hotel in Paris
Expedia: Show me things to do in Tokyo
When ChatGPT sees this prompt, it will know that it can use the Expedia plugin to answer travel-related queries. To do so, it will send the query to the Expedia plugin server, which will return a response that ChatGPT can incorporate into its output. For example:
User: I want to go on vacation next month. Any suggestions?
ChatGPT: Sure! How about visiting London? It's a beautiful city with lots of history and culture.
User: Sounds good. How can I get there?
ChatGPT: You can use the Expedia plugin to find and book