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Sure! Here are a few potential thesis titles related to the impact of microalgae in rivers on human health:

1. "Assessing the Potential Health Risks Associated with Microalgae Blooms in River Water: A Case Study"
This thesis would focus on investigating the presence and impact of microalgae blooms in a specific river, analyzing the potential health risks they pose to humans, and suggesting strategies for mitigation and prevention.

2. "Exploring the Relationship Between Microalgae Diversity in River Ecosystems and Human Health"
This thesis would involve examining the diversity of microalgae species in different river ecosystems, identifying potential harmful species, and investigating their impact on human health through various research methodologies.

3. "Evaluating the Water Quality of a River System: Assessing the Role of Microalgae in Contaminant Accumulation and Human Health Risks"
This thesis would involve a comprehensive assessment of the water quality in a specific river system, with a specific focus on microalgae as indicators of contamination and their potential impact on human health.

4. "Investigating the Influence of Microalgae Blooms on Water Treatment Processes and Associated Health Risks"
This thesis would explore the effects of microalgae blooms on water treatment processes, including the efficiency of conventional treatment methods in removing harmful microalgae toxins, and the potential health risks posed by these toxins if they are not effectively removed.

Remember, it's important to narrow down your topic and objectives further based on the available resources, time, and expertise. Good luck with your research!

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