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Carbocisteine is a medication used to help relieve cough by breaking down and thinning mucus in the respiratory tract. Mucus is a thick, sticky substance that lines the respiratory tract, including the nose, throat, and lungs. When you have a cough, it is often because the mucus is too thick and difficult to clear out of the respiratory tract.

Carbocisteine works by breaking down the structure of mucus, making it thinner and less sticky. This makes it easier for the body to clear out the mucus through coughing or sneezing. It also helps to reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract, which can further help to alleviate coughing.

Carbocisteine is typically used to treat cough associated with respiratory tract infections, such as bronchitis and pneumonia, as well as chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is important to note that carbocisteine is not effective for treating coughs caused by asthma or allergies.

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