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Help Isometric and isotonic exercise


Can you give me the definition of ISOMETRIC and ISOTONIC EXERCISE and can you give me 10 examples exercises of each

Isometric Exercise: Isometric exercise is a form of strength training in which the muscle contracts and generates force without changing length. In other words, the muscle contracts against an immovable object or resists a force applied externally while remaining in a static position.

10 Examples of Isometric Exercises:
1. Plank
2. Wall Sit
3. Static Squat
4. Static Lunge
5. Boat Pose
6. Plank with Leg Lift
7. Glute Bridge Hold
8. Push-up Hold
9. Superman Hold
10. Side Plank

Isotonic Exercise: Isotonic exercise involves constant tension on the muscle throughout the range of motion. The muscle lengthens and shortens against a constant resistance, resulting in movement at a joint.

10 Examples of Isotonic Exercises:
1. Bicep Curls
2. Squats
3. Lunges
4. Push-ups
5. Pull-ups
6. Deadlifts
7. Bench Press
8. Leg Press
9. Shoulder Press
10. Tricep Dips

These exercises can help you achieve different fitness goals and can be incorporated into your workout routine for overall strength and conditioning.

Isometric Exercise: Isometric exercise is a form of strength training in which the muscle contracts and generates force without changing length. In other words, the muscle contracts against an immovable object or resists a force applied externally while remaining in a static position.

10 Examples of Isometric Exercises:
1. Plank
2. Wall Sit
3. Static Squat
4. Static Lunge
5. Boat Pose
6. Plank with Leg Lift
7. Glute Bridge Hold
8. Push-up Hold
9. Superman Hold
10. Side Plank

Isotonic Exercise: Isotonic exercise involves constant tension on the muscle throughout the range of motion. The muscle lengthens and shortens against a constant resistance, resulting in movement at a joint.

10 Examples of Isotonic Exercises:
1. Bicep Curls
2. Squats
3. Lunges
4. Push-ups
5. Pull-ups
6. Deadlifts
7. Bench Press
8. Leg Press
9. Shoulder Press
10. Tricep Dips

These exercises can help you achieve different fitness goals and can be incorporated into your workout routine for overall strength and conditioning.
Can you please give me a another definition of isotonic and isometric
Can you please give me a another definition of isotonic and isometric

Isometric Exercise: Isometric exercise is a type of strength training in which the muscle contracts to generate tension without changing its length. In this form of exercise, the joint angle and muscle length remain constant during the contraction. Isometric exercises are generally static and involve holding a position rather than moving through a range of motion.

Isotonic Exercise: Isotonic exercise is a type of strength training in which the muscle contracts and changes length, resulting in movement at the joint. The resistance remains constant throughout the movement, allowing the muscle to work against a consistent load. Isotonic exercises can be further categorized into concentric (muscle shortening) and eccentric (muscle lengthening) contractions.

Understanding the differences between isometric and isotonic exercises can help tailor your workout routine to target specific muscle groups and achieve your fitness goals effectively.

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