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Closed Help me to restore important business correspondence in the mailbox.

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I use the Outlook 2016 mail client, with it I conduct numerous correspondence and send various files to clients and reports to employees. I could not find the latest messages in my mailbox with important business correspondence. An error popped up in the program. No information can be recovered. Can I somehow restore my box completely as it was originally? I have no reasonable ideas how to do this.
Follow these simple and easy steps ms outlook pst repair tool.
  1. Exit Outlook, then click Start > Computer.
  2. Browse to <drive>:\Program Files or, if you see a Program Files (x86) folder on the same drive, browse to that instead. For example, C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files (x86).
  3. In the Search box, type Scanpst.exe.
If the search doesn't find Scanpst.exe, try searching in the alternative folder mentioned in step 2, above Program Files or Program Files.
  1. Double-click Scanpst.exe.
  2. In the Enter the name of the file you want to scan box, enter the name of the .pst file you want the tool to check, or click Browse to select the file.
  3. By default, a new log file is created during the scan. Or, you can click Options and choose not to have a log created, or to have the results appended to an existing log file.
  4. Click Start.
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