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Sure! Here are 10 sample problems on fertilizer calculation:

1. A farmer wants to fertilize a rectangular field that measures 100 meters by 50 meters. The recommended fertilizer dosage is 2 kilograms per square meter. How many kilograms of fertilizer should the farmer use?

2. A garden ρá†ch has an area of 40 square meters. The fertilizer bag recommends applying 5 grams of fertilizer per square meter. How many grams of fertilizer should be applied to the garden ρá†ch?

3. A flower bed is circular with a radius of 6 meters. The fertilizer instructions state that 3 kilograms of fertilizer should be applied per square meter. How many kilograms of fertilizer are needed for the entire flower bed?

4. A vegetable garden is in the shape of a triangle with a base of 10 meters and a height of 8 meters. The fertilizer application rate is 4 kilograms per square meter. How many kilograms of fertilizer are required for the vegetable garden?

5. A lawn measures 20 meters by 15 meters. The fertilizer recommendation is 1.5 kilograms per square meter. How many kilograms of fertilizer are needed to fertilize the whole lawn?

6. A farmer wants to fertilize a square field with a side length of 60 meters. The fertilizer dosage is 2.5 kilograms per square meter. How many kilograms of fertilizer should the farmer use?

7. A rectangular garden measures 12 meters by 8 meters. The recommended fertilizer application rate is 3.5 kilograms per square meter. How many kilograms of fertilizer are needed for the garden?

8. A circular garden has a radius of 5 meters. The fertilizer instructions state that 4 grams of fertilizer should be applied per square meter. How many grams of fertilizer are needed for the circular garden?

9. A triangular flower bed has a base of 6 meters and a height of 4 meters. The fertilizer dosage is 2.5 kilograms per square meter. How many kilograms of fertilizer should be applied to the flower bed?

10. A rectangular field measures 80 meters by 60 meters. The fertilizer recommendation is 1.8 kilograms per square meter. How many kilograms of fertilizer are needed to fertilize the entire field?

Hope these problems help with your fertilizer calculations!

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