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Help Graphic Artist

Hi there! If you are looking for a graphic artist position near GMA 7 in QC, there are a few steps you can take to find the right candidate for your team.

Firstly, you can post a job vacancy on online job boards such as Kalibrr, Indeed, and LinkedIn. These platforms have a large pool of talented candidates who are actively seeking job opportunities. Make sure to provide a clear job description and list the necessary qualifications and responsibilities for the role.

Another approach is to reach out to local universities and colleges that offer design courses. You can post your job vacancy on their career center or reach out to the faculty members to refer their top-performing students who are about to graduate.

Lastly, you can also tap into your network by asking for referrals from your colleagues, friends, and relatives. Someone within your network might know of a talented graphic artist who is currently looking for a job.

I hope this helps you find the right candidate for your team!

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