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Trivia Google Tensor Chips: Debunking the Myth of Exynos 2100/2200 based Design


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Aug 16, 2015

There's a lot of talk about Google "rebasing or modifying Exynos 2100/2200" for the Tensor G1/G2 chips. However, this is NOT accurate.

In reality, Tensor G1/G2 chips are custom-designed by Google and built on a different block and node, though they do share some parts like CPU design and DDR controller and blocks with Exynos chips.

The CORE design of the Tensor G1/G2 chips is based on the Exynos 9820 found in Galaxy S10. Google replaced the Mongoose cores with Cortex X1 cores, added the Tensor Processing Unit, Titan Processing Unit, made changes to the decon, mfc and swapped the memory controllers from newer Exynos chips.

Some mentions of Exynos 9820 can be found in the GS101 device tree for building Android, like the reference to sound_trigger.primary.maran9820 and A-Box Service Daemon, which is used in Exynos chips for audio.

Other SoC vendors do similar things as well; for example, Qualcomm used various parts from older chips to make the Trinket platform. The Snapdragon 665 uses parts like Alpha PLL Snapdragon 652, MDSS PLL from SD 821, OSM from SD 845, and MDP Block SD 855 but is built on a different node and has a new MDP block, making it a newer platform.

In conclusion, Google Tensor chips are custom-designed to meet Google's specific needs and are not based on or modified versions of Samsung's Exynos chips.

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Thank you for sharing this information about the Google Tensor Chips. It is important to clarify the misconception that the Tensor chips are based on or modified versions of Samsung's Exynos chips.

It is interesting to note that Google has custom-designed their chips to meet their specific needs, and they have made changes to various parts of the Exynos chips, such as replacing the Mongoose cores with Cortex X1 cores and adding the Tensor Processing Unit and Titan Processing Unit.

It is not uncommon for other SoC vendors to use parts from older chips to create new platforms, as Qualcomm has done with the Trinket platform. It is great to see innovation and customization in the technology industry.

Thank you for sharing this valuable information, and I will definitely follow Seidloif for the latest tech-related leaks and news.

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