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{Xi} are iid

Но : 6 = 60, H1:0 <00

the likelihood function of Xi's is given by,

(1/0),0 Ꮎ

MLE of
( maximum observation of Xi's )

the likelihood ratio test is given as

X() = L(2,80)/L (2,0)

X() = (1/0)/(1/Xn)

X() = (Xn/o)

we reject Ho is,
-> (2)

the best critical region is defined as,

C.R.: (Xn/) <C

Given level of significance is

P((Xn/.) <C)= a

P(Xn <c1/n4.) = a a

no f(x)dx = a

c1/მი (1/60 )dr =

(cl/ne, - 0/0 = = a

1/n = a




{Xi} are iid

Но : 6 = 60, H1:0 <00

the likelihood function of Xi's is given by,

(1/0),0 Ꮎ

MLE of
( maximum observation of Xi's )

the likelihood ratio test is given as

X() = L(2,80)/L (2,0)

X() = (1/0)/(1/Xn)

X() = (Xn/o)

we reject Ho is,
-> (2)

the best critical region is defined as,

C.R.: (Xn/) <C

Given level of significance is

P((Xn/.) <C)= a

P(Xn <c1/n4.) = a a

no f(x)dx = a

c1/მი (1/60 )dr =

(cl/ne, - 0/0 = = a

1/n = a



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace ConsoleApp5
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Populate the string array with names of members in the Draw
string[] names = { "Mr.Smith", "Mr.John", "Mr.Bill","Mr.Jason","Mr.Ahmad","Ms.Susan","Ms.Julia","Mr.Ben","Mr.Ken","Mr.Singh","Mr.Khan","Mr.Benny","Ms.Molly","Mr.Page","Mr.Jeff","Mrs.Kelly","Mrs.Rima","Ms.Hina","Mr.Ramesh","Mr.Amit" };
// Populate the List from the string array
List<string> namesList = new List<string>(names);
int ch;
int num;
Random rnd = new Random();

Console.WriteLine("\nMenu\n1. Draw\n2. Reset\n3. Exit\nEnter your choice : ");
ch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
switch (ch)
case 1:
// Draw a winner if all members have not already been selected
if (namesList.Count > 0)
// Generate a random number between 0 and size of namesList who is the winner
num = rnd.Next(0, namesList.Count);
// Display the winner on console
Console.WriteLine("\nWinner of raffle draw is " + namesList[num]);
// Remove the winner from the list display count of remaining members
Console.WriteLine(namesList.Count + " members remaining to win ");
// All 20 winners have already been selected . Ask the user to Reset
Console.WriteLine("\nAll Winners have been selected. Reset the list to draw a new winner ");



case 2:
// Reset the members
Console.WriteLine("\nResetting the draw");
// Clear the old List
// Add the original elements back to the List from names string array
foreach (var rec in names)

case 3:
// Exit the program
Console.WriteLine("Exiting the program");


} while (ch != 3);

Step 1 - We need to calculate the cost matrix - Plant to Outlet for each product through the different warehouse. This shown below in the screen shot.


Next we create the demand table as shown below.


Put in the formulas for each cell as shown below.


Click on the solver tab and update the objective function and constraints as shown below.


On pressing solve, you will get needed results.


power supply V = 300 volts

capacitence C= 25 uf=25*10^-6 f

inductance L= 10mH = 10*10^-3 H

Frequency of the LC circuit,

uploaded image

(b) when the capacitor connected to inductor ,this circuit behaves as a osscillation circuit,

hence the charge in the capacitor changes periodically with respect to time as (s.h.m)

q=qo coswt

where q0 is the maximum or intial charge on the capacitor ,

w is the angular frequency of the LC osscillation,

time given t= 1.2 ms =1.2*10^-3 sec

but, w= 2(phi) f

f= 3.184 Hz , w=6.28(3.184) rad/s= 19.99 rad/s

q0 = CV = 300*25*10^-6 Colmb

q0= 75*10^-4 colmb ,

capacitor charge q=qo coswt

=75*10^-4 cos(19.99*1.2*10^-3)=75*10^-4 cos(0.0239) cal.

but, current I= dq/dt =d/dt(qo coswt)

=q0 d/dt(coswt)

=(qo w )sinwt , (magnitude only)

I= I0 sinwt

where Io = qow

qo=75*10^-4 colmb , w= 19.99 rad/s ,t= 1.2 ms =1.2*10^-3 sec, then cal. the current I and Io

(c) at t=o sec there is no growthing of current in the capacitor , hence the magnetic energy stored in the

inductor is = 1/2 L Io^2

electrical energy stored in the capacitor =q0^2/2C cal.

(d) in order to find the magnetic energy and electrical energy at t=1.2 ms

we have to conisider the same formula but, current at t= 1.2ms , charge at t=1.2ms should be taken

the magnetic energy stored in the

inductor is = 1/2 L I^2

electrical energy stored in the capacitor =q^2/2C cal.


the total energy of the LC circuit is given by ,

E= qo^2/2C cal.

(g) maximum charge stored in the capacitor = qo= CV (Cal.)

registration.php ====>

<!DOCTYPE html>
div {
background-color: lightgrey;
width: 350px;
border: 15px solid green;
padding: 50px;
margin: 20px;

<div align="center">
<h1 align="center"> My Personal Information </h1>
<form action="confirm.php" method="post" >

<label>First Name</label><br>
<input type="text" name="fname"><br>

<label>Middle Name</label><br>
<input type="text" name="mname"><br>

<label>Last Name</label><br>
<input type="text" name="lname"><br>

<input type="text" name="user"><br>

<input type="text" name="pword"><br>

<label>Confirm Password</label><br>
<input type="text" name="Cpass"><br>

<input type="text" name="bday"><br>

<input type="text" name="email"><br>

<label>Contact Number</label><br>
<input type="text" name="Cnumber"><br>

<input type="submit" name="Submit">



confirm.php ====>

include "db.php";

if (isset($_POST["Submit"]))
$fname = $_POST["fname"];
$Mname = $_POST["mname"];
$Lname = $_POST["lname"];
$user = $_POST["user"];
$Pass = $_POST["pword"];
$Cpass = $_POST["Cpass"];
$Bday = $_POST["bday"];
$Email = $_POST["email"];
$Cnum = $_POST["Cnumber"];

if($Pass == $Cpass)
$sql = "INSERT INTO registration(Fname, Mname, Lname, user, password, bday, email, Cnum) VALUES ('$fname','Mname','$Lname','$user','$Pass','$Bday','$Email','$Cnum'); ";

$result = mysqli_query( $conn , $sql ) ;

if ($result === TRUE) {
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("submit successfully");
echo "Error: " . $sql . "<br>" . $conn->error;
<script type="text/javascript">
alert("Passwords didn't match . Please try again !");



db.php ====>

// connect database to php
$dbs ="registration";
$user ="root";
$conn= mysqli_connect($host , $user , $pwd , $dbs);
if(!$conn) {
die("Connection failed :" .mysqli_connect_error());



<3 Registration х + f → C localhost/new/registration.php : Apps New folder 5 Books 5 My Personal Information First Name Chris

e localhost/new/confirm.php + { x localhost/new/confirm.php : Apps New folder Books 5 localhost says submit successfully OK

pun localhost/ / registratior X + C localhost/phpmyadmin/sql.php?db=registration&table=registration&pos=0 : * Apps N

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