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Volhard method is an indirect titration method, usually use to determine chloride ions.


Silver chloride is very insoluble in water. Addition of AgNO3 to a solution containing chloride ions results in formation of a finely divided white precipitate AgCl. This reaction provides a basis for determination of chloride ions.


Ag+ reacts with KSCN to form the precipitate AgSCN, decreasing the KSCN concentration and shifting the equilibrium to the left.

Ag+ + KSCN = AgSCN + K+


Conc. HNO3 is added to sodium extract before adding silver nitrate for determining chloride ions, to decompose any NaCN or Na2S if present. If conc. HNO3 is not added to sodium extract before adding silver nitrate, NaCN and Na2S will react with AgNO3 and interfere with the test for chloride ions.

When Nitric acid is not added: -

NaCN + AgNO3 → AgCN + NaNO3

When Nitric acid is aaded:-

NaCN + HNO3 → HCN + NaNO3


The swirling is done vigorously to make mixing of the reagents as complete as possible, and also to get a precise end point.


First consider the reaction,

Ag2cr04 Ag2Cr04 --> 2Ag+ + Cr042

Ksp [Ag+]^2 [Cr042-]


Ksp = 2.4 x 10-12

[Cr042-] = 0.1

2.4 x 10-12= [Ag+]^2 [0.1] [Ag+] 4.9 x 10-6 M

now consider AgCl

AgCl -> Ag+ + Cl-

Ksp = [Ag+] [CI-]


Ksp = 1.8 x 10-10

use [Ag+] = 4.9 x 10-6

we get

1.8 x 10-10 = 4.9 x 10-6 x [CI-]

[CI-] = 3.674 x 10-5

the concentration of Cl- when Ag2Cr04 begins to precipitate is 3.674 x 10-5 M

Market segmentation is the process of dividing the whole market according to the demography into different segments. It helps the company to focus their marketing strategies according to the segmet they are going to offer their products.


The product chosen is LCD tv. the benefit of this product is that it saves electricity and takes less space too as compared to conventional TV's.


The advantage of focused marketing to a segment is cost saving. and the major disadvantage is for the product to get marketd to a particular segment when it is of general chracter.


VALS is different for different people. Lets take income as an example. If you are a person with high income your lifestyle would probably include habits of the SEC A class such as dining out of home frequently and that too in top class restaurants, wearing only branded clothes and buying the best cars out there. Whereas if you are a middle class income group consumer, you would be more wary of spending money and would rather concentrate on savings.


The three segments that we have are:

1. The college goers.

2. Housewives

3. Teenagers


Step 1: Understand your target market

Step 2: Understand your competition

Step 3: Map buying criteria against competitive positioning

Step 4: Assess your product’s strengths against the buying criteria

Step 5: Analyze the gaps


Market segmentation provides important impetus to position the product in the market. That is how both of them are related.


The options that are available are:

1. Define different strategies to segments.

2. Use proper marketing for the same.

3. Target the groups as per the life style.


They differ in terms of the scope of using the strategies. In a large firms the scope of using and gettings results are much large as compared to a small firm which only would cater to a smaller segment.

Applying conservation of momentum

P initial= P final

m1u1+m2u2= [m1+m2] V

10,000*2 +20,000*0= [10,000+20,000] V

20,000= 30,000* V

V=20,000/ 30,000= 0.67 m/s

b] Ke inital= 1/2m1u12+ 1/2m2u22= 1/2*10,000*22+ 1/2*20,000*02= 20,000J

KE final= 1/2[m1+m2]V2=1/2[30,000]0.672=6733.5J

Decrease in Ke as a result of collision= Ke inital- KE final= 13266.5J


Applying conservation of momentum

P initial= P final

P inital=m1u1+m2u2=10,000*2 +20,000*u2

P final=[m1+m2]V= 0 kg m/s [ V-combined velocity=0m/s after collision]

10,000*2 +20,000*u2=0



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