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There are many websites available that can help you to learn Django. Here are some popular websites that offer Django tutorials and courses:

1. Django Project's official documentation - This is the official documentation of Django that provides a comprehensive guide to Django’s core functionality.

2. Django Girls - Django Girls is a non-profit organization that offers free Django tutorials for beginners.

3. Udemy - Udemy is an online learning platform where you can find various Django courses.

4. Codecademy - Codecademy is an online learning platform that offers an interactive Django course.

5. Real Python - Real Python is a website that offers tutorials and courses on Python and Django.

6. Django for Beginners - This website offers a beginner-friendly Django course that covers the basics of Django development.

7. Mozilla Developer Network - Mozilla Developer Network offers a Django tutorial that covers the basics of Django development.

These websites can help you to learn Django at your own pace and level of expertise.