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The Common Language Runtime Debugging Services (CLRDBG) prompt is a command-line interface that allows users to debug .NET applications. It is typically launched when an application encounters an unhandled exception and provides a way for developers to diagnose and fix issues in their code.

To use the CLRDBG prompt, you can attach it to a running process or launch it alongside your application. Once connected, you can use a variety of commands to inspect the state of your code, set breakpoints, and manipulate variables.

Some common commands used in the CLRDBG prompt include:

  • ~ - Displays a list of running threads
  • ~<thread #> s - Switches to a specific thread
  • !clrstack - Displays the current call stack for the active thread
  • !dumpobj - Displays information about a specific object in memory
  • !bpmd - Sets a breakpoint at a specific method

Overall, the CLRDBG prompt is a powerful tool for diagnosing and resolving issues in .NET applications, but it can be complex and requires some familiarity with debugging concepts.

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