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Yumi ko

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The Philippines lacks a free press and voice in the legislative body, which can lead to the same fate as the dishes on Insular Barataria. To achieve real reforms, the minister should declare freedom of the press in the Philippines and create Filipino deputies. A free press is necessary because complaints there rarely reach the Peninsula, and if they do, they are often masked and mysterious. The Philippines must decide whether to remain under Spanish rule or declare independence, considering the potential consequences of a rupture of relations.

It seems like you are concerned about the lack of a free press and representation in the legislative body in the Philippines. The analogy to the dishes on Insular Barataria highlights the potential consequences of neglecting these issues.

To address this situation and bring about meaningful reforms, one possible solution is for the minister to declare freedom of the press in the Philippines. This would ensure that the media can operate independently and report on issues without fear of censorship or repercussions. A free press plays a crucial role in any society by holding those in power accountable and keeping the public informed.

Additionally, creating Filipino deputies in the legislative body would help ensure that the voices of the Filipino people are directly represented. This would provide a platform for them to express their concerns, ideas, and grievances, ultimately leading to more inclusive and responsive governance.

The lack of a free press and representation in the legislative body can lead to a situation where issues and complaints often go unnoticed or are deliberately hidden. Without a transparent and accessible system, the people's concerns may not reach the appropriate authorities, hindering the progress towards resolving societal issues.

It's important for the Philippines to assess its relationship with Spain and determine whether to remain under Spanish rule or declare independence. This decision should be made while considering the potential consequences of severing ties and the impacts it may have on various aspects of the nation.

In summary, granting freedom of the press and creating Filipino deputies would be significant steps towards achieving real reforms in the Philippines, ensuring transparency, accountability, and representation.

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