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Help Can you create a code using java

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Forum Veteran
Write a program that:
This activity helps you practice:Hint:
You can use printf() to format your outputs.
Sample Output:
1. Can have dynamic number of seats. (This can be declared in advance.)
2. Allows the user to book a seat by entering the seat number.
3. Checks if the entered seat number is valid (within the range) and available (not alreadybooked).
4. If the seat is valid and available, marks it as booked. Likewise a booked seat can becancelled.
5. Displays the current status of all seats (booked or available) after each booking attempt.
6. The program should ONLY have one (1) class named MovieTheaterRunner .declaring, initializing, accessing, and modifying elements in a array.declaring, initializing and using Strings.
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