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Help About m3u8 raw link in github


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Meron ako mga working m3u playlist dito na may mga raw link na m3u8 galing sa github.
Since meron din akong github and gitea accounts Nag decide ako na gumawa din ng nested m3u8 at i-upload ito sa github at gamitin ang raw link ng mga ito para sa m3u playlist ko.

Pero hindi ko mapa gana katulad ng mga m3u8 raw link na nakita ko.

Anyone help.?
Sure, I can help you with that. It sounds like you want to create a nested m3u8 playlist and upload it to GitHub or Gitea, and then use the raw links from there in your m3u playlist. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can achieve this:

1. Create the nested m3u8 playlist:
- You can create a nested m3u8 playlist by simply creating a text file with the extension ".m3u8" and adding references to other m3u8 files or direct video URLs within it. Each line in the m3u8 file should be a URL to another m3u8 file or a direct video link.

2. Upload the nested m3u8 playlist to GitHub or Gitea:
- If you're using GitHub, you can create a new repository and upload your nested m3u8 playlist file to it. Make sure to commit the changes and push them to your repository.
- If you're using Gitea, you can follow a similar process by creating a new repository and uploading the nested m3u8 playlist file to it.

3. Get the raw link:
- Once you have uploaded the nested m3u8 playlist file to GitHub or Gitea, you can get the raw link to that file. On GitHub, you can click on the file in your repository and then click on the "Raw" button to get the raw link. On Gitea, you can usually find the raw link by navigating to the file and looking for an option to view it in raw format.

4. Use the raw link in your m3u playlist:
- Now that you have the raw link to your nested m3u8 playlist file, you can use it in your m3u playlist by simply adding it as a URL in your m3u file. This will allow your media player to access the nested m3u8 playlist and play the videos referenced in it.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a nested m3u8 playlist, upload it to GitHub or Gitea, and use the raw link in your m3u playlist. If you encounter any specific issues or have more questions, feel free to ask for further assistance.
Sure, I can help you with that. It sounds like you want to create a nested m3u8 playlist and upload it to GitHub or Gitea, and then use the raw links from there in your m3u playlist. Here's a step-by-step guide on how you can achieve this:

1. Create the nested m3u8 playlist:
- You can create a nested m3u8 playlist by simply creating a text file with the extension ".m3u8" and adding references to other m3u8 files or direct video URLs within it. Each line in the m3u8 file should be a URL to another m3u8 file or a direct video link.

2. Upload the nested m3u8 playlist to GitHub or Gitea:
- If you're using GitHub, you can create a new repository and upload your nested m3u8 playlist file to it. Make sure to commit the changes and push them to your repository.
- If you're using Gitea, you can follow a similar process by creating a new repository and uploading the nested m3u8 playlist file to it.

3. Get the raw link:
- Once you have uploaded the nested m3u8 playlist file to GitHub or Gitea, you can get the raw link to that file. On GitHub, you can click on the file in your repository and then click on the "Raw" button to get the raw link. On Gitea, you can usually find the raw link by navigating to the file and looking for an option to view it in raw format.

4. Use the raw link in your m3u playlist:
- Now that you have the raw link to your nested m3u8 playlist file, you can use it in your m3u playlist by simply adding it as a URL in your m3u file. This will allow your media player to access the nested m3u8 playlist and play the videos referenced in it.

By following these steps, you should be able to create a nested m3u8 playlist, upload it to GitHub or Gitea, and use the raw link in your m3u playlist. If you encounter any specific issues or have more questions, feel free to ask for further assistance.
For me its not working, give me more answer.
For me its not working, give me more answer.
I understand that you're facing difficulties in getting the nested m3u8 playlist to work with raw links in GitHub or Gitea. Let's try to troubleshoot the issue further and provide more detailed steps:

1. Check File Format and Content:
- Ensure that your nested m3u8 playlist file has the correct format with the ".m3u8" extension.
- Double-check the content of the m3u8 file to make sure that each line contains valid URLs to other m3u8 files or direct video links.

2. Upload Process:
- When uploading the nested m3u8 playlist file to GitHub or Gitea, make sure that the file is uploaded correctly without any errors.
- Confirm that the file is accessible and viewable within your repository on GitHub or Gitea.

3. Obtaining the Raw Link:
- On GitHub, after uploading the file, navigate to the file in your repository, click on it, and then click the "Raw" button. Copy the URL from the address bar.
- On Gitea, locate the raw link by viewing the file in raw format and copying the URL from the address bar.

4. Using the Raw Link in your m3u Playlist:
- Paste the raw link you obtained in the previous step into your m3u playlist file as a URL entry.
- Ensure that the raw link is correctly formatted in your m3u playlist file and that it points to the nested m3u8 playlist file on GitHub or Gitea.

If you have followed these steps and are still encountering issues, please provide more specific details about the problem you are facing. This will help in identifying the exact issue and providing a more tailored solution. Feel free to ask for further assistance if needed.
I understand that you're facing difficulties in getting the nested m3u8 playlist to work with raw links in GitHub or Gitea. Let's try to troubleshoot the issue further and provide more detailed steps:

1. Check File Format and Content:
- Ensure that your nested m3u8 playlist file has the correct format with the ".m3u8" extension.
- Double-check the content of the m3u8 file to make sure that each line contains valid URLs to other m3u8 files or direct video links.

2. Upload Process:
- When uploading the nested m3u8 playlist file to GitHub or Gitea, make sure that the file is uploaded correctly without any errors.
- Confirm that the file is accessible and viewable within your repository on GitHub or Gitea.

3. Obtaining the Raw Link:
- On GitHub, after uploading the file, navigate to the file in your repository, click on it, and then click the "Raw" button. Copy the URL from the address bar.
- On Gitea, locate the raw link by viewing the file in raw format and copying the URL from the address bar.

4. Using the Raw Link in your m3u Playlist:
- Paste the raw link you obtained in the previous step into your m3u playlist file as a URL entry.
- Ensure that the raw link is correctly formatted in your m3u playlist file and that it points to the nested m3u8 playlist file on GitHub or Gitea.

If you have followed these steps and are still encountering issues, please provide more specific details about the problem you are facing. This will help in identifying the exact issue and providing a more tailored solution. Feel free to

give me most compatible nested m3u8 format
give me most compatible nested m3u8 format
When creating a nested m3u8 playlist, ensuring that you follow a compatible format is crucial for it to work seamlessly with various media players and platforms. Here is a basic example of a nested m3u8 playlist format that is commonly used and compatible with most media players:




In this example:
  • The #EXTM3U tag specifies that this is an extended M3U file.
  • The #EXT-X-VERSION:3 tag indicates the version of the HLS specification used.
  • Each #EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag provides information about the stream, such as bandwidth and resolution, followed by the URL to the actual media playlist file.

You can create a hierarchy by nesting multiple #EXT-X-STREAM-INF entries, each pointing to another m3u8 playlist or directly to video files. This allows for a structured and organized way to present different streams or qualities within a single playlist.

Make sure to replace the example URLs with your actual nested m3u8 playlist URLs or direct video links. By following this format and adjusting it to fit your specific needs, you should be able to create a compatible nested m3u8 playlist that can be used effectively in your setup.

If you encounter any specific issues or need further assistance with your nested m3u8 playlists, feel free to provide more details or ask for additional guidance.
When creating a nested m3u8 playlist, ensuring that you follow a compatible format is crucial for it to work seamlessly with various media players and platforms. Here is a basic example of a nested m3u8 playlist format that is commonly used and compatible with most media players:




In this example:
  • The #EXTM3U tag specifies that this is an extended M3U file.
  • The #EXT-X-VERSION:3 tag indicates the version of the HLS specification used.
  • Each #EXT-X-STREAM-INF tag provides information about the stream, such as bandwidth and resolution, followed by the URL to the actual media playlist file.

You can create a hierarchy by nesting multiple #EXT-X-STREAM-INF entries, each pointing to another m3u8 playlist or directly to video files. This allows for a structured and organized way to present different streams or qualities within a single playlist.

Make sure to replace the example URLs with your actual nested m3u8 playlist URLs or direct video links. By following this format and adjusting it to fit your specific needs, you should be able to create a compatible nested m3u8 playlist that can be used effectively in your setup.

If you encounter any specific issues or need further assistance with your nested m3u8 playlists, feel free to provide more details or ask for additional guidance.
I have good m3u8 link inside nested m3u8 hows that possible its not working after i uploaded it to git hub or gitea and copy raw link for my m3u playlist?
I have good m3u8 link inside nested m3u8 hows that possible its not working after i uploaded it to git hub and copy raw link to my m3u playlist?
If you have a valid m3u8 link inside a nested m3u8 playlist but it's not working after uploading it to GitHub and using the raw link in your m3u playlist, there could be a few reasons why it's not functioning as expected. Here are some troubleshooting steps you can follow:

1. Check the Raw Link:
- Ensure that the raw link you copied from GitHub is correct and points to the nested m3u8 playlist file. Double-check the link for any typos or formatting errors.

2. Verify File Content:
- Open the nested m3u8 playlist file directly from GitHub and confirm that the content is intact and correctly formatted. Check for any issues with the URLs inside the nested playlist.

3. File Permissions:
- Verify that the nested m3u8 playlist file on GitHub has the appropriate permissions set to allow public access. You can adjust repository settings to make sure the file is publicly accessible.

4. Test Direct Link:
- Try accessing the nested m3u8 playlist file directly through its GitHub raw link in a web browser. This can help confirm if the issue lies with the nested playlist file itself.

5. Update URLs:
- If the nested m3u8 playlist contains relative URLs, ensure that they are correctly resolving to the actual video content. Consider using absolute URLs to avoid any path resolution issues.

6. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS):
- Check if CORS restrictions are causing the issue. If your m3u playlist is hosted on a different domain than the nested m3u8 playlist, you may encounter CORS restrictions. Make sure that CORS headers are correctly set to allow access.

7. Media Player Compatibility:
- Test the m3u playlist with the nested m3u8 link in different media players to see if the issue is specific to a particular player. Some players may have limitations or requirements for nested playlists.

By following these steps and troubleshooting the potential issues mentioned above, you should be able to identify the root cause of why the nested m3u8 playlist is not working as expected after uploading it to GitHub and using the raw link in your m3u playlist. If you continue to experience problems, feel free to provide more details for further assistance.

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