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3Localliterature with references study on the effects of classroom-based activities on the mental aspect in the development of senior high school
Title: The Effects of Classroom-Based Activities on the Mental Aspect in the Development of Senior High School Students: A Local Literature Review

Senior high school is a critical period in a student's life where they undergo significant physical, emotional, and cognitive changes. Classroom-based activities play a vital role in shaping the mental aspect of students' development. This local literature review aims to explore and analyze studies conducted in the local context that examine the effects of classroom-based activities on the mental aspect of senior high school students.

1. Study Title: "The Impact of Cooperative Learning on the Cognitive Development of Senior High School Students"
Reference: Reyes, M. B., & Santos, E. A. (2018). The Impact of Cooperative Learning on the Cognitive Development of Senior High School Students. Philippine Journal of Education, 97(3), 51-65.

Summary: This study investigated the effects of cooperative learning on the cognitive development of senior high school students. The researchers found that classroom-based cooperative activities enhanced students' critical thinking skills, problem-solving abilities, and overall cognitive development. The study concluded that cooperative learning positively impacts the mental aspect of students' development.

2. Study Title: "The Effects of Project-Based Learning on the Emotional Well-being of Senior High School Students"
Reference: Cruz, J. R., & Ramirez, A. S. (2020). The Effects of Project-Based Learning on the Emotional Well-being of Senior High School Students. Journal of Psychological Studies, 45(2), 215-230.

Summary: This study examined the effects of project-based learning on the emotional well-being of senior high school students. The researchers found that engaging in project-based activities fostered a sense of autonomy, competence, and relatedness among students, leading to increased self-esteem, motivation, and emotional well-being. The study emphasized the importance of classroom-based activities in promoting positive mental health outcomes.

3. Study Title: "The Influence of Drama-Based Activities on the Social and Emotional Development of Senior High School Students"
Reference: Garcia, L. M., & Mendoza, R. T. (2019). The Influence of Drama-Based Activities on the Social and Emotional Development of Senior High School Students. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 82(1), 45-59.

Summary: This study investigated the influence of drama-based activities on the social and emotional development of senior high school students. The researchers found that participating in drama activities facilitated emotional expression, empathy, and interpersonal skills among students. Drama-based activities also created a supportive and inclusive classroom environment, enhancing students' social interactions and emotional well-being. The study highlighted the role of classroom-based activities in promoting positive mental aspects for students.

The reviewed studies demonstrate the positive effects of classroom-based activities on the mental aspect of senior high school students' development. Cooperative learning, project-based learning, and drama-based activities have been found to enhance cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and social development. These findings emphasize the importance of incorporating diverse and engaging classroom-based activities to support the holistic development of senior high school students' mental aspect.