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Trivia What Your Palm Lines Say About You

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017

The Heart Line​

Also known as the love line or heaven line, this line shows what sort of relationships and amorous connections you will have throughout your life, both with yourself and others. It’s the first line located under the fingers.

  • If you have a long, straight line (ending below the index finger), you’re said to be a rational thinker who always considers other people’s feelings.
  • If it is short and straight (ending between the middle and index fingers), you need your personal freedom and show your love through actions more than words.
  • If you have a long, curved line (reaching the base of the middle finger) you are said to be very passionate and driven.
  • If it is short and curved (ending below the base of the middle finger), you are reserved and prefer small groups to big ones.
  • If it splits in two, you may have a tendency to put other people’s needs before your own. A fractured line may suggest multiple partners or infidelity.

The Head Line​

Also called the wisdom line, this line reveals your intellectual curiosities and pursuits. Located in the centre of the palm, this middle line can also show what you need to learn in this lifetime. A long line shows a breadth in topic interest and the depth represents the complexity of your mind. A straight line shows a more traditional approach while a wavy line suggest you may be a more progressive thinker. If it reaches all the way to the edge of the palm, on the mount of the Moon, you are said to have psychic tendencies.

  • A short line (ending in the middle of the palm) shows that you are a fast thinker and come to conclusions quickly.
  • A long, straight one (extending across the palm to the little finger), suggests that you tend to analyse things and mull over decisions for a long time.
  • A line that splits in two suggests that you can easily see other people’s points of view and that you may change your own opinion frequently.
  • A long, curved line (running down to the bottom corner of the palm) suggests that you’re a creative thinker who can imagine many possible outcomes. If your line forms a fork at the end, this is known as the “writer’s fork” and shows that you may have a natural talent for writing.

The Life Line​

This line does NOT indicate the length of your lifespan, rather the amount of vitality you will experience within your life. So instead of showing how many years to your life you will have, it shows how much life you will have lived within those years. It’s also known as the “earth line” and extends around the thumb towards the wrist. The depth of the line indicates the richness of your experiences and the length reveals others’ influence on your life path. A short line is said to show independence, plus:

  • If you have a long line (curving around the ball of the thumb and ending right at the base of the wrist), you are said to be a rock people can count on in times of need.
  • If you have a short line (ending near the centre of the palm), you may need to keep yourself busy and distract yourself when the going gets tough.
  • If you have a faint one it suggests that you need to engage in more stress management techniques, such as yoga and meditation!
  • If you have a broken line this indicates that you may have had a traumatic experience that had an impact on your life choices.

The Fate Line​

Also known as the career or destiny line, this one is said to change the most throughout our lifetimes (in as little as 3 months). It starts near the base of the wrist and goes directly up towards the fingers, extending further up the palm as you get older. It dictates the degree to which things will happen to us that are outside of our control.

The Health Line​

Not all palms contain this line, but if you do, it runs parallel to the fate line from the wrist but veers more towards the little finger. It indicates the strength of your vigour, vitality, and overall ability to rebound from hardship. This line is most popularly observed in Chinese Palmistry, where a wavy line warns you of potential health problems in the digestive system and a decline of liver or gall bladder function. If you don’t have this line, it is said that you are not likely to experience any significant health issues.

Other Lines​

  • Marriage lines - Located under the little finger on the side of the hand parallel above the heart line, sometimes called the affection or relationship line, this line is usually short and faint. If it makes it onto the palm, it suggests that you will have a long marriage, each line representing an individual relationship. If broken it suggests divorce or separation.
  • Children lines - These cross the marriage lines vertically and are symbolic of the depth of relationship you have/will have with your children.
  • Wrist bracelets - Also known as racettes, each bracelet is said to represent roughly 25 years of life (again, the number of lines does not predict your age of death)

Cannot figure out what is my palm line is pero sabi nila may cross marks daw un palm line ko, means yung dalawang pinakamahaba intersects each other.

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