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PHC - Lan

Forum Veteran
Mar 21, 2019
I'm in a sort of predicament that I'd always hoped for but not sure what my next move should be.

Some backstory: There's this girl (Mel) that used to be best friends with an ex-gf of mine, and she and I always had a crush for each other but it never went anywhere because my ex-gf was always in the picture and I'm loyal, so, didn't escalate. Mel and I have a long history together, I met her before I dated her best friend and at one point my ex-gf was jealous of her (because she found out she had a crush on me) but that's a whole other story. That was six years ago, and between then and two weeks ago, I've seen her or talked to her very rarely because she got into a relationship and I've been working on my inner game.

Then, two weeks ago: Mel and I are both attending a mutual friend's gathering at their house and she practically jumps in my arms when she sees me, looks up at me and, softly, tells me that she broke up with her boyfriend of three years. She wasn't even upset, and all I had to say was, "Yeah, breakups suck." We continue to look into each other's eyes but I'm speechless. Throughout the rest of the party, we spent time together here in there between convos with different groups of friends, separated but would always eye **** each other from across the room. I was at war with myself as to what I should do but nothing came of that night. As everyone, slowly, left the party she departed with some friends but not before coming up to me, kissing me on the cheek and tells me she'll call me later. (I'm guilty. I've put this girl up on a pedestal because of how she has always checked off all my boxes). I definitely want to sleep with her and turn it into an LTR but I'm not sure how to approach this one. Never been in this situation before.

Not sure what other info I can provide you gents with but she calls/texts me often since we met at that party. Any advice on what I should do, now, would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
you start off with asking her for a date and confessing what you really feel, cause hiding it and just waiting for her to take action is like, impossible. as a guy, you should be the one to confront her.
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